TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.10.0 hotfix-09 is available.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.10.0 hotfix-09 is available.


Article ID: KB0104934


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
Not Applicable -


The patch can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support ftp server, support-ftp.tibco.com. Please use your eSupport username and password to access the server. After connecting, go to /available_downloads/ActiveEnterprise/BusinessWorks/BW/5.10.0/hotfix-09/  to download the appropriate hotfix for your OS/platform.

Hotfixes are cumulative. This hotfix includes all previous generally
available hotfixes for TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.10.0
Product Name:    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM)
Release Version: 5.10.0_HF-009
Release Date:    August 2013

Legal Notice

This Hotfix is provided pursuant to the terms and conditions of the
written maintenance and support agreement between you (or your company)
and TIBCO and use of the Hotfix is controlled by the terms of such
written maintenance and support agreement.


TIBCO is proud to announce the latest release of TIBCO ActiveMatrix
BusinessWorks(TM) 5.10.0_HF009. This release is the latest in a long
history of TIBCO products that leverage the power of the Information
Bus(R) to enable truly event-driven IT environments. To find out more
about how TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) and other TIBCO products
are powered by TIBCO technology, please visit us at www.tibco.com.

Hotfixes are cumulative. This hotfix includes all previous generally available
hotfixes for TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.10.0.


1. Shutdown all running TIBCO applications.

2. Extract the hotfix archive file to a temporary directory.

3. Copy the TIBCO Universal Installer from &ltTIBCO_HOME>/tools/universal_installer,
   to the temporary directory.

4. Navigate to the temporary directory.  

5. Run the TIBCO Universal Installer, selecting an existing &ltTIBCO_HOME>.


To remove a hotfix follow the instructions provided in

For more detail contact TIBCO Support.

To reinstall a previous hotfix version, follow the instructions published in
the hotfix readme file that is part of the hotfix package.

Affected Files for 5.10.0_HF-009

The following files are installed by this hotfix. Note that some
files are platform-specific and are installed only on that platform.

All Platforms:

  {TIBCO_HOME}\release_notes directory:
   - TIB_BW_5.10.0_HF-009_readme.txt

  {TIBCO_HOME}\bw\5.10\hotfix\lib directory:
  - engine.jar
  - plugins.jar
  - tibsoap.jar
  - tibcryptx_wss.jar
  - TIBCOwss4j.jar
  - log4j.properties
  - log4j.xml
  - serviceBindings.jar
  - com.tibco.bw.binding.amx.common
  - com.tibco.bw.binding.amx.common.ui
  - com.tibco.bw.binding.amx.shared
  - com.tibco.bw.binding.amx.runtime

Closed Issues in 5.10.0_HF-009 (This Release)

Engine.Log.MaxSize did not work in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.10.0.
Custom changes done to the existing log4j.xml and log4j.properties files should
be copied to the respective new files located under hotfix/lib.

Fixed an issue where the common logging and custom logging were not written to
the application's log file. The log, however, was written correctly in the TIBCO
Designer console.

HTTP Request Reply activity sends the HTTP request with the default value of
accept-encoding: gzip. However, the reply sent by the server with gzip content  
did not decompress the content correctly according to the header.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.10.0 onwards, an extra CRLF was added under
the HTTP headers.

For Soap Request Reply activity, the 'SOAP-ENV:Body' and 'wsu:Timestamp' elements
could not be signed.

If the project contained a large number of SOAP Request Reply activities in
the Web Service operation processes and the BusinessWorks engine was started
in IBM JVM, such as AIX, some exceptions occurred occasionally.

TCP Open Connection did not return unique connection handles.

Fixed an issue, where TCP Client did not work properly in FT mode on the
secondary engine.
This fix will not work, if the property "bw.plugin.tcp.closeSocketOnShutdown" is
set to 'false'.

During the TCP Server shutdown, one message sent by the TCP server to the TCP
client was misplaced. This occurred when the message was written by the TCP
client during the TCP server shutdown.
To enable TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks for not closing the server side socket
during shutdown, set the property "bw.plugin.tcp.closeSocketOnShutdown" to "false".
To revert to the default behavior, set this property to "true".

Fix for BW-15613 broke the Close connection code at the client end.

Closed Issues in 5.10.0_HF-008

From TIBCO AcriveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.10.0 onwards, the Send HTTP Request
activity sent an empty mime part with content-type set to unknown/unknown, when
postData field was not mapped while sending the multipart/form-data.

With '&' in the paramter value of Send HTTP Request activity, the TIBCO
ActiveMatrix Businessworks failed with an "HTTP Request Response 5XX status code

HTTP MIME Attachment header Content-transfer-encoding when sending an HTTP Request,
did not function as per specifications.

The value of "content-length" generated in the HTTP POST request was incorrect.

Closed Issues in 5.10.0_HF-007

The releaseConnection method in Java Connection Accessor did not close invalid

The Service agent used a wrong file name while writing an attachment to a file,
when there were concurrent requests.

Unconfirmed messages were not re-delivered to a JMS Receiver starter, when
Explicit Client Ack mode was used and flowlimit was set as 1.

Get JMS Queue Message, JMS Queue Requestor, and JMS Topic Requestor activites
failed with validation error, when configured to receive object type message
at runtime.

Closed Issues in 5.10.0_HF-006

The JDBC connections now give a warning message instead of a debug message,
incase of being busy with no connection availablity or getting retired.  

In TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.9.3, an issue was observed when the Partner
Link Configuration used the WSDL which uses soap 1.2 namespace. When using the
"+" to add a WSDL operation, the cursor changed into the busy/wait icon without
moving and threw a NullPointerException when saved.

Creating Partner Link Configuration with ActiveMatrix and SOAP partner links in
sequence failed due to validation error.

Closed Issues in 5.10.0_HF-005

OnError activity did not return JMS headers.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Receiver in the 5.10.0 release did not work
and failed with validation errors, when a sender sent object messages with
dynamic properties.

Closed Issues in 5.10.0_HF-004

The HTTP Request Reply activity sent HTTP request with gzip compressed binary
data by default.

An expired certificate in the trusted store affected the other valid certificates
in the trusted store and threw "WS Security Error : 121901".

The Send Mail activity sent a corrupt pdf file when it was sent as a Binary
Content. The process however, sent a correct file, when the file type was text
instead of pdf.

Engine.Log.MaxSize did not work in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.10.0.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.7.2 onwards, all Non-XA JBOSS Queue, Topic
Connection factory, and the XA-enabled JBOSS Topic Connection Factory failed
with ClassCast Exception, when trying to create a new connection.

Performance improvement in the Invoke Partner scenario.

Performance improvement in the SOAP Service scenario.

Closed Issues in 5.10.0_HF-003

The ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks engine threw an exception when TIBCO ActiveMatrix
BusinessWorks ActiveAspects Plug-in 1.2.0 was installed, if one of the  
processes contained a CatchAll activity.

All the incoming JMS/HTTP headers/properties to be generated as part of the
output message of the receivers (for example, JMS receivers and HTTP receivers)
is now supported.

Generating all the incoming HTTP headers as part of the output message of the
HTTP receivers is now supported.

Closed Issues in 5.10.0_HF-002

It was required to add the design-time fixes for the TIBCO ActiveMatrix  
BusinessWorks Service Engine 5.10.0 release in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks.
Closed Issues in 5.10.0_HF-001

Engines with RVCM transport activities and Service Agents in one EAR (PAR)
deployed in the fault tolerance (FT) mode did not start and threw an exception.

TIBCO Product Support

- For an overview of TIBCO Support Services, and information about
    getting started with TIBCO Product Support, visit this site:

- If you already have a valid maintenance or support contract,
    visit the TIBCO Product Support site: https://support.tibco.com
    Entry to this site requires a username and password. If you do
    not have a username, you can request one.

- Check the TIBCO Product Support site "Late Breaking News" page
    for product information that was not available at release time.


Copyright (C) 2001-2013 TIBCO Software Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
TIBCO Software Inc. Confidential Information


TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.10.0 hotfix-09 is available.


Product: TIBCO BusinessWorks Version: 5.10 OS: All --------------------


TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.10.0 hotfix-09 is available. get_app