TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.0.2 hotfix-04 is now available.

TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.0.2 hotfix-04 is now available.


Article ID: KB0104901


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveSpaces -
Not Applicable -


The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support ftp server, support-ftp.tibco.com. Please use your eSupport username and password to access the server. After connecting, go to /available_downloads/ActiveSpaces/2.0.2/hotfix-04/ to download the hotfix.
This .tar file also has the Readme file inside. Please untar the file and look for the Readme file for Instruction on how to apply the hotfix.

Please note that with the 2.0.2 hotfix-04 release, the default setting for the as-admin Admin CLI command for defining fields with the define | create space command or altering a space with the alter space command is "not nullable." Previously, the default value was nullable. The default setting for defining or altering fields using ActiveSpaces API calls remains "not nullable."

The defects fixed in TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.0.2 Hotfix 04 are:


Closed Issues in 2.0.2_HF-004 (This Release)

AS-2063   As-admin failed to display some statistics. Show member, show space output was
incomplete in some cases.

AS-2217 The ActiveSpaces channel can now be configured with multiple listen URLs, using a
semicolon as the delimiter. The ActiveSpaces channel also supports the use of a range
of ports when specifying the listen URL. For example, you can specify the listen URL
in one of the following ways:


NOTE: If the same hostname or IP address is specified multiple times in the listen URL,
only the first occurrence is taken into consideration.

AS-2221 If ActionResult.setFailed() is called or exception is thrown within the Persister,
any further writes to the tuple identified by the key may fail.

AS-2227 [SN+TX] With shared-nothing persistence enabled, if the client was killed
right after a commit was called, the committed entries were present in the space
but not in the shared-nothing persistence data store file.

AS-2261 SN+TX : Replica count was not correct when user quit the Java client
after a transaction commit

AS-2278 Browsers were returning entries when in the take state.

AS-2297 Activespaces hangs intermittently while connecting to a metaspace.

AS-2299 Queries for negative values were broken. The query result returned an incomplete
result set for negative values

AS-2301 Enhancement: Add support for case-insensitive query tokens (like, between, not,
abs, is, null, nor, nand, and, or).

AS-2302 Enhancement: Support upper/lower methods in queries to convert given string
value characters to all upper/lower case. For example, upper(name) = "THENAME".
Using this method, if an index exists on those fields, it is not used. Indexes
are case sensitive.

AS-2304  Queries on numeric ranges using the BETWEEN operator result in erros if user
if user uses negative numbers like "range between -2.3 and 2.3"

AS-2347 When multiple clients are killed gracefully, the Java Client hangs on a metaspace.close call.

AS-2348 On Linux platforms, shared-nothing persistence recovery does not complete, and a
"warning persister is overloaded" message appears.



TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.0.2 hotfix-04 is now available.


Product: TIBCO ActiveSpaces Version: 2.0.2 OS: --------------------