Article ID: KB0104910
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TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Adapter for IBM I 6.1.0 Hot Fix 01 is released for all supported platforms. Listed below is a summary of updates included in Hot Fix 01. Please refer to the attached Readme for additional details on these fixes included in this hot fix.
Closed Issues in 6.1.0_HF-001 (This release)
The adapter does not support the loading of parameters from the PCML files to invoke PGM objects.
When you selected the Program Call service type in the Request-Response and the Subscription services, the adapter failed to load parameters if the program object and the source file were stored in different libraries.
Additional Instruction for AIBM-525
To support loading parameters from PCML files to invoke PGM objects, you will need to
(1) Add 'usePCMLDoc true' to the adas400.tra file under bin directory of the adapter home.
(2) Configure properly in the Service Options Tab. Two new fields are added in the service options tab:
* Field 'PCML file', which allows you to specify the location of the PCML file.
* Field 'PCML program name', which is the program name in the PCML file you are going to use, it could be different from the real program object name.
For example, if you are interested in calling 'CalSales' program object, but your PCML file has the following, you should specify 'Sales' in this field.
<program name="Sales" path="/QSYS.LIB/ADAS400XA1.lib/CalSales.pgm">
Please note, the name is case sensitive, you have to match what you have in the PCML file exactly.
In addition, only one of the three existing fields is needed, although they are still there:
* Field 'Program Object', you still should give the program object you would like to call with the library name, for exmple 'adas400xa1/CalSales'
* Fields 'Source File' and 'Source Member' are not used, if you are asked to provided one, please provide some dummies.
Known issue and limitation:
When the ‘load parameters’ failed in one service, you will continue to see the load failure error in another service even it has no problem. You can ignore the error and continue. This error will be gone when you restart the designer.
This hot fix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support ftp server,, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web. Once logged on you can find the hot fix under:
Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hot fix.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Adapter for IBM I 6.1.0 Hot Fix 01 is now available on all supported platforms.
Product: TIBCO Adapter for IBM AS/400
Version: 6.1.0