TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 3.5.20 HotFix 02 is available.
Article ID: KB0104546
Updated On:
TIBCO Business Studio - BPM Edition
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO Business Studio(TM) Release Version : 3.5.20_HF-002 Release Date : September 2013 ======================================================================
Hotfixes are cumulative. This hotfix includes the issues listed in the Closed Issues section.
XPD-5363 There is an error (StackOverFlowError:) when a wsdl contains a cyclic dependency between imported schemas.
XPD-5317 DAA generation failed for artifacts with exceptions "errors occured during plugin export".
XPD-5257 Elements (with a hyphen in their name) that contain anonymous simple types cause BDSGeneration to fail.
XPD-5137 After a multiline comment in a Script task the content assist is not available.
XPD-5135 Cannot access content assist list in the script task after using some operators (* and /) which could be used for calculation. Also TIBCO Business Studio hangs if by mistake the user types double quotes and presses Ctrl+Space for the content assist list.
XPD-5056 WSDLSchema Indexer should only index files in the "wsdl" special folder.
XPD-4976 Out of Memory exception when cyclic dependency exists deep down in the referenced xsds.
XPD-4902 ActiveMatrix BPM complex processes (with flows that are ultimately invalid for ActiveMatrix BPM deployment) can cause flow-analyzer to take a very long time, which can in turn lock up the user interface.
XPD-4846 TIBCO Business Studio XPDL file validation hangs when there is a participant with SOAP transport with spaces in the endpoint URL.
FORM-6087 Improve marker index performance.
FORM-6086 Mapping user interface implementation issues.
FORM-6068 Update TIBCO Business Studio preview to match runtime.
FORM-5902 An array of user-defined primitive type is incorrectly validated as type List instead of type Array.
BX-2926 XPD-BPEL conversion issue when a Class A inherits a Class B which has an attribute referencing another class.
BX-2919 The testpoint icon turns invisible when reopening the emulation file.
BX-2859 Controlled merges with complex cycles cause the error "The process control flow could not be successfully analyzed".
BX-2796 The process launcher cannot initialize data field inputs.
BX-2776 Incorrect script in testpoint.
BX-2772 Cannot edit DateTimeZone, Duration and URI fields in a testpoint.
BX-2769 WSDL has a Xpath correlation property query that has an invalid prefix "ns1".
The TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 3.5.20 HotFix 02 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: