Hotfixes are cumulative. This hotfix includes all previous generally available hotfixes for TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM 2.1.0. It includes the issues listed in the Closed Issues section.
WRM-5762 Enable configuring of the LRU cache size in Work Presentation Properties to improve the startup time when the system has more applications running. Note: This LRU cache size property is not added automatically by the upgrade so the size of the cache should be tuned to match your requirements after the upgrade. If the size of the cache is not specified, it defaults to 100. As a recommendation the size of the cache should be greater than the WorkTypes count of the WP_WORK_TYPES table. The wpproperties file is typically stored on the machine where you installed ActiveMatrix BPM, under the folder CONFIG_HOME/bpm/bpm_app_name/configuration/. You need to add a line similar to the following: LRUCACHE_SIZE=100
WRM-5758 Occasionally BxN2Logger.event produces a NullPointerException when load testing.
WS-1360 There is no "Waiting for response..." message indicating a work item form is being processed when the form is open in a separate browser window.
PVM-494 Immediately started sub-processes model events are not scheduled with the priority of the master process.
PVM-491 Handle the intermittent error java.lang.ClassCastException: com.tibco.pvm.infra.dataexch.xml.gxml. IpmxGxDataEnvImpl cannot be cast to com.tibco.pvm.dataexch.bpel.PmxBpelDataEnv
The TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BPM 2.1.0 Hotfix 006 can be downloaded from our You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: