TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.1.2 hotfix-09 is now available.

TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.1.2 hotfix-09 is now available.


Article ID: KB0104746


Updated On: 01-14-2017

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveSpaces -
Not Applicable -


The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support ftp server, support-ftp.tibco.com. Please use your eSupport username and password to access the server. After connecting, go to /available_downloads/ActiveSpaces/2.1.2/hotfix-09/ to download the hotfix.
This .zip file also has the Readme file inside. Please unzip the file and look for the Readme file for Instruction on how to apply the hotfix.

Closed Issues in 2.1.2_HF-009 (This Release)

AS-2286 If a node is killed before recovery completes, the remaining seeders continue
loading data. Recovery is cancelled if a node is killed, and once that node is
restarted, the user needs to issue recover again

AS-2453 Hawk micro-agent for Activespaces for monitoring
   * members
   * spaces
   * space members
   * space operations (stats, throughput)

AS-2574 Changing index type at the time of recovery is making the space change to the
ready state immediately and invalidates the old shared nothing persistence file.

AS-2588 Query execution should abort if a client leaves the space.

AS-2593 An invalid datetime exception is thrown if user specifies a date part in a query.

AS-2604 On Solaris Sparc, when discovery nodes are not available, memory usage on non-discovery
nodes keeps increasing.

AS-2609 Occasionally browser.stop() hangs when a remote client is used

AS-2624 Using a node of a non-secure cluster as the discovery node for a secure cluster causes a  
memory increase on a non-secure node.

AS-2629 Batch put takes a collection of PutOptions in case each put needs a different configuration

AS-2630 Entry ttl can be retrieved from RouterPutOp so same ttl can be applied on other sites

AS-2642 Cluster stabilization improvements when underlying network is not reliable.

AS-2644 Rolling logs. File logging accepts arguments to set below.

    File file;       // File name to be used
    int limit;       // File size in bytes before rollover
    int fileCount;   // Max number of rolling files
    boolean append;  // Append logs or not
    LogLevel level;  // Log level to be used

AS-2646    As-admin functionality improvements

AS-2648 Tuple.containsValue method is not working properly for String and byte[] types

AS-2649 Protocol timeout observed when recovery is done for multiple spaces at the same time

AS-2664 Space state goes to recover state even there is enough replica to recover the seeder loss



TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.1.2 hotfix-09 is now available.


Product: TIBCO ActiveSpaces Version: 2.1.2 OS: --------------------