Description: You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support ftp server, You will need to provide your TSC (TIBCO Support Central) credentials. You username is your email address to access the server. Once you have successfully logged into the server, go to /AvailableDownloads/BusinessWorks/5.10.0/hotfix-11
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 5.10.0_HF-011 (This Release)
BW-14501 The TIBCO Hawk Get Activities method returned invalid value for "MostRecentElapsedTime".
BW-15897 When other or customer specified mimeHeaders were used in the mimePart for the Send HTTP Request and Send HTTP Response activity, the Content-Length displayed incorrect value.
BW-16070 The Get JMS Queue Message activity timed out inside a JMS Local transaction group, and threw a "JMSPluginException" instead of "ActivityTimedoutException".
BW-16179 The Send HTTP Request activity timed out while sending requests from the BusinessWorks service.
BW-16186 The SOAP Request Reply activity failed with Interrupted Exception, when the reply message was received through SOAP over JMS.