TIBCO MDM 8.3.1 Hotfix 03 is now available.

TIBCO MDM 8.3.1 Hotfix 03 is now available.


Article ID: KB0104434


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TIBCO MDM 8.3.1 Hotfix 03 is now available.

This hot fix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support file transfer server- mft.tibco.com.
Server name: mft.tibco.com
Credentials: use your TSC (TIBCO Support Central website) login.
Browser:  https://mft.tibco.com
FTP: port 21
SFTP: port 22
FTP using your browser is not supported, please use an FTP client or command-line.  TIBCO employees must use a secure protocol. 
Once logged on you can find the hot fix under: "AvailableDownloads/MDM/8.3.1/hotfix-03"

This .zip file also has the Readme file inside. Please unzip the file and look for the Readme file for Instruction on how to apply the hotfix.

Closed Issues in 8.3.1_HF-003 (This Release)

The Record Query web service with command qualifier as valid values failed when the record being queried contained a multivalue attribute and one of the values included ampersand (&).

The Event Log did not show the complete history if the log spanned multiple pages and the user clicked the Associated Events link, and then clicked the Back button on the Associated Event Log page.

The event status changed from START to INPROGRESS in a workflow with the Async activities.

The SaveRecord activity failed with a transaction timeout error when the record bundles included huge records.

The rulebase validation of converting True or False to Yes or No values was not applied to the Category Specific Attributes on the Classifications tab. This issue occurred after navigating to the next 

The SpawnWorkflow activity is enhanced to control the record sequencing at the activity level.

A reverse relationship was specified in the rulebase in many to one direction. Sometimes duplicate relationships were loaded into the bundle. Due to this, the rulebase execution failed.

The synchronization event failed with the Java Null Pointer exception in the ConvertRecordToOutput activity.

The "Cipher not initialized" exception was thrown in a highly concurrent environment.

The pagination on the Mass Update screen (Basic Mode) for the Changed Records List did not work correctly when the page size was changed in the Items per page drop-down list. After clicking the next page icon, the first page was displayed.

It was not possible to sort records by clicking the column header on the Mass Update screen. The attribute was specified using the Select action with the enumeration constraint in the rulebase.

While searching records on the Mass Update screen, the previously searched records were not displayed in the search result.

On the migrated version (from 8.2.1 to 8.3.1) of TIBCO MDM, adding related records was not possible.

When the error link was clicked multiple times in the Basic Mode of the Mass Update screen, the error message was not updated.

A constraint with the Access action of rulebases was not working for the Mass Update operation.

When a subflow called by a SYNCHR InitiateSubFlow activity returned control, the parent workflow did not restart. To resume the suspended process, run the workflowUtility.sh utility. Before running the workflowUtility.sh utility, perform the following steps:
1. Run customUtil.sh -createCommonHotfixLibrary. 
2. Specify the complete file path of the hotfix JAR file.
3. Enter Y when prompted with 
"Copy $MQ_HOME/hotfixTemp/AllECMClasses-hotfix.jar to $MQ_HOME/lib/hotfix directory" 
4. Copy new AllECMClasses-hotfix.jar from $MQ_HOME/lib/hotfix to
5. If you enter N in Step 3, copy new AllECMClasses-hotfix.jar 
   from $MQ_HOME/hotfixTemp to $MQ_HOME/lib/external.
- Copy $MQ_HOME/customEAR/bin/workflowUtility.sh to $MQ_HOME/bin directory. 
- Run workflowUtility.sh with the following options:                
  workflowUtility.sh -c <command> -m <member_id> -e <event_id> -p <process_id>
 c - command, currently only resume is supported.
 m - member ID
 e - event ID
 p - process ID
 For example: to restart process 789890, specify the following command:
 workflowUtility.sh -c resume -m 34254 -e 42500 -p 789890
 Note: This utility sends async message to the TIBCO MDM server to restart 
 the specified process. Check elink logs for execution or any errors.         

The Add Reocrd event name appeared in the spawned (associated) events instead of the specified eventDescriptor parameter in the UpdateEvent activity.

Subflow did not resume after the timed out transitions of work items and closure of all timed out work items.

The export of role permission metadata was failing with the following exception: 'Relationship not found for resourceID<some resource id>'.

The alignment of the data was not in sync with the column headings in the search results of the Browse and Search page.

The catalog validation applied for the attribute other than the string data type did not execute correctly on the Classifications tab. This issue occurred after navigating to the next page.

While searching for records using Text Search (Attribute Based Search), duplicate values were displayed in the attribute field.

While searching records on the Browse and Search page, incorrect values were displayed in the search result after navigating to the next page. Also, the pagination displayed an incorrect number of records. 

A performance issue occurred while loading the relationship tree.

After comparing related records, when the user returned to the parent record, only the viewed relationship was displayed in the relationship tree. The remaining relationships disappeared.

While downloading the .docx file from the File type attribute on the View Record page, the file opened as a ZIP file.

While importing data if the Merge Data check box was selected and the values were not mapped to multivalue attributes, the multivalue attributes for the record were set to null instead of retaining the previous version's values.

The user was able to modify a new record that was currently in a workflow and its latest work item was in the Timedout state. 

Two work items were generated and their links were sent in an email notification. Accessing the first work item from the link and modifying the record was possible. However, when the second work item link was accessed and the Save button was clicked after modifying the record, a Java Nullpointer exception was displayed.

The OutDocument generated by the GetRecord activity did not contain the RelationshipData section. 

While searching records on the Browse and Search screen, the columns were displayed in an incorrect order on the search result page.

When the Record Modify web service request was reexecuted without changing any data, and the repository contained one of the attributes of the DATE type, the response did not return the following error message: 'Data unchanged, request ignored'.

The performance of database loader import was very slow with Microsoft SQL Server 2012. To improve the performance, use sequences based on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 instead of trigger-based custom solution. Perform the following tasks:
- Run the CreateSequences.sql migration script to create sequences.
- Add the following property in Configurator to enable usage of the 
  - Configuration value name: Enable SQLServer 2012 based sequence
  - Internal name: com.tibco.mdm.optimization.sequence.sqlserver2012
  - Version: 8.3.1
  - Visibility: Advanced
  - Description: Enable SQLServer 2012 based sequence usage for 
                 PRODUCTKEY and RELATIONSHIP
  - Current Value: true
  - Default Value: false
  - Category: Miscellaneous
Note: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 does not support sequences. Therefore, 
rollback to this server is not supported.

The drop-down list values on the Mass update screen varied from the values on the Add Record and Modify Record screens.

When a record with relation was modified and a few related records contained a validation error, an error exclamation was shown for all related records.

While redeploying a relationship along with the deleted relationship attributes in TIBCO MDM Studio, the Java NullPointer exception was shown.

Comparing records did not work if the order of record versions selected on the Compare Records screen was changed. This issue occurred for compare relationships and related target records.

Even though the com.tibco.cim.optimization.recordbundle.load property was set to false, the MergeRecord activity took longer to load and process
all related records.
Note: This has been fixed but the fix is not applicable when rulebase is used in the MergeRecord Activity.

The date calendar displayed on the Mass Update screen was not consistent with the date calendar displayed on other screens.


TIBCO MDM 8.3.1 Hotfix 03 is now available.


Product:TIBCO MDMVersion:MDM 8.3.1hotfix-03OS:ALL