TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) Plug-in for NetSuite 1.0.0 Hotfix1 is now available
Article ID: KB0104815
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for NetSuite
Not Applicable
Description: This hot fix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support file transfer server, mft.tibco.com, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web. You can use FTP, SFTP (FTP or SFTP use requires an FTP / SFTP client or command-line FTP), or your web browser at https://mft.tibco.com (requires Java applet support in your browser). Once logged on you can find the hot fix under: /AvailableDownloads/bwnetsuite/1.0.0/hotfix-01/
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated read me document for any additional information.
===================================================================== Closed Issues in 1.0.0_HF-001 (This Release)
Added support to capture events triggered on custom records and publish custom record data to the NetSuite RecordListener activity.
Added support to parse child records and sublists and publish data associated with child records and sublists to the NetSuite RecordListener activity.
Added support to authenticate, and invoke all inbound activities through proxy server configuration.
Note: To enable proxy support during design-time configuration: please add the following parameters to designer.tra file located at:{TIBCO_HOME}\designer\{VERSION_NUMBER}\bin\designer.tra
To enable proxy support during run-time configuration: please add the following parameters to bwengine.tra/bwengine.xml file located at: {TIBCO_HOME}\bw\{VERSION_NUMBER}\bin\bwengine.tra {TIBCO_HOME}\bw\{VERSION_NUMBER}\lib\com\tibco\deployment\bwengine.xml
Added support to parse enum values included in NetSuite record data received by NetSuite listener.
To enable enum support during design-time configuration: please add the following parameters to designer.tra file located at:{TIBCO_HOME}\designer\{VERSION_NUMBER}\bin\designer.tra
To enable enum support during run-time configuration: please add the following parameters to bwengine.tra/bwengine.xml file located at: {TIBCO_HOME}\bw\{VERSION_NUMBER}\bin\bwengine.tra {TIBCO_HOME}\bw\{VERSION_NUMBER}\lib\com\tibco\deployment\bwengine.xml
You can set the enum values mapping in the file NotificationRecordUIValueToSchemaEnumMapping.xml at {TIBCO_HOME}/bw/plugins/netsuite/wsdls directory.
Modified SuiteScript to dynamically look up all of the supported Record types supported by a specific version of WSDL.
Removed dependency on spar.jar library that was used in the earlier version to parse JSON messages.
Added support for Load Balancer configuration set-up in NetSuite Record Listener.
If the host, that is running a process that uses the NetSuite Record Listener activity, is behind a Load Balancer, please specify the Load Balancer Hostname and Port in the RecordListenerConfiguration.xml file that is hosted on your organization instance on NetSuite.
In the Hostname/Port fields of Plugin Configuration for the listener, please specify "localhost" or the actual hostname/IP address of the host running the process with the RecordListener Activity.
Modified support for incoming hostname check with the help of a configuration parameter that can be added to designer.tra file for design-time configuration and bwengine.tra/bwengine.xml file for run-time configuration.
To enforce the hostname check during design-time configuration, add the following parameter to designer.tra file located at : {TIBCO_HOME}\designer\{VERSION_NUMBER}\bin\designer.tra
Note: Multiple hostnames can be specified using ";" delimiter.
To enforce the hostname check during run-time configuration, add the following parameter to bwengine.tra/bwengine.xml file located at: {TIBCO_HOME}\bw\{VERSION_NUMBER}\bin\bwengine.tra {TIBCO_HOME}\bw\{VERSION_NUMBER}\lib\com\tibco\deployment\bwengine.xml