Description: TIBCO Spotfire 6.5.X hotfix TS_6.5.0.49 HF-003 is now available - the hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Spotfire Support Download site at:
Listed below is a summary of the issue(s) that have been fixed in this release:
- TS-35756 - Map chart layer selector and navigation control appear over the trellis header when using larger than standard fonts.
- TS-35807 - Missing types ("S-PLUS script" and "S-PLUS function") in the 6.5 "Register Data Function".
- TS-35820 - The "data relationships calculation" icon disappears when reopening an analysis.
- TS-35834 - Spotfire may terminate when performing very large search expressions in list box filter or text filter.
- TS-35851 - When using WMS layers in a map chart, multiple identical http requests can unnecessarily be sent to a server.
- TS-35832 - Custom data sources show unnecessary error dialog when they are cancelled.
- TS-35855 - When several category columns in a pivot transformation contain invalid values, the output column names reflect "AB" instead of "A(empty)B".
- TS-35852 - Spotfire may terminate when changing the type of a broken axis.
- TS-35806 - Unable to load Excel 2013 spreadsheet with Power Pivot tables.
- TS-35754 - Changes made to prompts on an information link are not immediately reflected when refreshing data with prompting enabled.
- TS-35946 - Spotfire may terminate for certain combinations of data and analysis configurations.
- TS-35964 - Spotfire with crosstable may terminate with a message similar to the following, "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range", when using a combination of formatting and "Show only the first number of rows".
- TS-35992 - Spotfire may terminate when accessing scatter visualization size property page, if the manual scale range is set and the marker mode is changed to tiled.
- TS-36063 - Tiled marker layers in map chart with many markers can show a gap of one pixel between the markers.
- TS-36123 - DataFunctions adding columns with names containing near 1,000 characters results in an invalid execution.
- TS-36125 - Parameterized on-demand table does not reuse parameters of previously loaded parameterized information link.
- TS-36145 - Log message, "Searching the Library" repeatedly displays in the Open File dialog when various analyses are loaded.
- TS-36163 - Feature layer in map chart is not redrawn when updated by data function.
- TS-36185 - Map chart panning fails if the zoom and position of the map has been set through the API using a coordinate system that is different from the coordinate system of the map chart.
- TS-36180 - Unable to open some .xlsm analyses, resulting in the following message, "Make sure that the file is saved in Excel 97 or newer".
- TS-36177 - In some rare cases, Spotfire may terminate after inserting columns.
- TS-35973 - Cross Table renders blank in some circumstances.
- TSWP-6412 - Spotfire may terminate when applying a bookmark via script with a message similar to the following, "Attempt to read from a node that is in state 'Detached'".
- TSWP-6379 - Hierarchy slider should not be visible in the Web Player for a parameterized expression.
- TSWP-6496 - In the box visualization legend, the reference point item is shown twice.
- TSWP-6520 - In some cases, the log may specify an incorrect user.
- TSWP-6540 - Web Player displays internal visualization error after scheduled update if the browser language is set to Japanese.
- TSWP-6543 - Spotfire may terminate when opening the color picker if the color category has empty values.
- TSWP-6533 - When using a custom header in Web Player, the selection has an offset.
- TSWP-6556 - Spotfire may terminate when changing a table in column selector.
- TSWP-6558 - Visualization is not configured properly when selecting columns from a secondary table.
- TSWP-6565 - Some Business Author options are available for users without Business Author licenses. These options fail if the user tries to access them.
- TSWP-6594 - Web Player may terminate when using the hierarchy filter in Microsoft Analysis Services cube.
- TSWP-6600 - Web Player fails to start if configured for TRACE logging.
- TSWP-6583 - Exporting a table from the Web Player may terminate for users using Internet Explorer 8.
- TSWP-6622 - When analysis upload fails due to unchecked size, no error message is presented to the user.
- TSWP-6630 - Library browser bookmarks reroute to root folder when redirected from the log in page.
- TSWP-6641 - Upon hiding the only datatable loaded in an analysis, the filters are hidden in the professional client, but not in the Web Player.
- TSDC-679 - Spotfire may terminate when using the Oracle connector with OnDemand or in a detailed visualization scenario, resulting with a message similar to the following, "Overflow Exception".