TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Implementation Type for TIBCO Adapters 1.0.0 Hot Fix 02 is now available
Article ID: KB0104601
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix Implementation Type for TIBCO Adapters
Not Applicable
Description: TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Implementation Type for TIBCO Adapters 1.0.0 Hot
Fix 02 is released for all Linux and Windows platforms that are currently supported by TIBCO
ActiveMatrix(R) Implementation Type for TIBCO Adapters 1.0.0. This hot
fix is cumulative of prior hot fixes for this version. Listed below is a
summary of updates included in Hot Fix 01. Please refer to the attached
Readme for additional details on these and other cumulative fixes
included in this Hot fix.
====================================================================== Closed Issues in TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Implementation Type for TIBCO Adapters 1.0.0 Hot Fix 02 (This release)
ITPX-489 Customer needs fix for using RV 8.4 with Adapter IT 1.0.0
ITPX-494 ADB7.0 will stop after running a moment in Proxy IT
ITPX-503 Integration:
Proxy IT 1.0.0 App fails to start on AMX 3.3.0 Node.
'java.lang.Exception' caused by Missing Constraint: Import-Package:
com.tibco.security; version="[2.15.0,2.16.0)"..
ITPX-510 The
Running status cannot be displayed correctly on ActiveMatrix
Administrator when deploying the ear files which are built by SAP
adapter 7.0 & ADB adapter 7.0 through Proxy IT 1.0.0
This hot fix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support file
transfer server, mft.tibco.com, using your username and password for the
TIBCO Support Web. You can use FTP, SFTP (FTP or SFTP use requires an
FTP / SFTP client or command-line FTP), or your web browser at
https://mft.tibco.com (requires Java applet support in your browser).
Once logged on you can find the hot fix under:
Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hot fix.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Implementation Type for TIBCO Adapters 1.0.0 Hot Fix 02 is now available
Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Implementation Type for TIBCO Adapters
Version: 1.0.0
OS: All Linux and Windows platforms that are currently supported by TIBCO
ActiveMatrix(R) Implementation Type for TIBCO Adapters 1.0.0.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Implementation Type for TIBCO Adapters 1.0.0 Hot Fix 02 is now available