Description: Closed Issues in 5.1.3_hotfix06 (This Release)
Admin Interface
On occasion the EngineDaemonAdmin.getAllEngineDaemonInfo call could fail with
the message "failed to generate daemon info
[com.livecluster.gridserver.repository.RepositoryException: Entry not found for
Engine ID: xxx, there may be a problem with the database.]" Now if this error
occurs it is logged, but the API call will succeed with all data except for the
missing entry's data.
The following message: "WARNING: [EngineFileUpdateServer] OS not found for
gridlib" reports a normal condition, so the message has been removed.
The following message in the Broker logs, "WARNING: [JobSpaceRunnerPlugin]
IAdminManager not found" was erroneous and has been removed.
Engine Daemon-Windows
A Run-As user was unable to access the internal Windows Job Object
“$DSEngineJobNmae$-XX“ due to insufficient permissions.
Upgrade and Migration
The Engine JRE has been upgraded to the latest version of Java 7. Note that Java
5 and 6 are no longer supported, and Services that depend on them must be tested
against Java 7.
Web Services
.NET Web Services did not escape Unicode characters in the SOAP response
envelope. The resulted in non-ASCII characters in a return value not being
propagated to the client.
.NET Web Services did not handle the situation in which a client implementation
prepended the namespace ID to method elements. This would result in the call
failing with an error message such as "Method ns:add does not exist for this