Description: TIBCO Spotfire 6.0.X hotfix TS_6.0.2.16 HF-013 is now available - the hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Spotfire Support Download site at: below is a summary of the issue(s) that have been fixed in this release:
- TS-38834 - Certain interactions with a Bar Chart using a large data set may cause Spotfire to terminate.
- TS-38905 - Using Parent([Axis.Rows]) in Cross table may consume a lot of memory if the hierarchy is large.
- TS-39016 - A specific Lines and curves configuration may cause Spotfire to terminate.
- TS-38993 - Reloading On-demand data with a missing embedded data source file, may cause Spotfire to terminate.
- TS-38925 - Data using both space and non-breaking space may cause Spotfire to terminate.
- TS-39120 - Under some conditions, Insert Rows operations may cause an unhandled exception.
- TS-38977 - SBDF is missing in the LibraryManager.Search API.
- TS-39216 - Opening shp files may under some conditions cause Spotfire to terminate.
- TS-39310 - Poor performance of dendrogram when deleting rows.
- TSWP-7832 - Invalid markings are not removed when applying markings from Web player state.
- TSWP-7857 - Missing searchText url parameter functionality.
- TSWP-7749 - Scheduled updates over midnight with no reoccurring reloads may stop triggering reloads in other schedules.
- TSWP-7829 - Using in-db On-demand with personalized view does not always work.
- TSWP-7851 - When delegated Kerberos is configured using an application pool account that can login to Spotfire Server, Scheduled Updates information link calls may fail.