Description: --------------------------- HOTFIX 3 ----------------------------
TIBCO RTView EMS Monitor System Version:, 15 December 2014
TIBCO RTView Version:, 12 December 2014
Includes previous patches: ( (
1. Create a backup copy of your existing installation.
2. Extract the .zip into RTVAPM_HOME, so that it overwrites the necessary
libraries and properties files.
If you have modified the location of your installation so that the
libraries are no longer in the default location, you will need to manually
pull the libraries from the .zip to replace your libraries.
Release Notes
--- Hotfix Version --------------
Data Historian Compaction
20019: Compaction smoothing no longer sets incorrect "run after" date
Previously, the smooth compaction option caused an an incorrect
"run after" date to be set for further compaction. This could
result in a small portion of data not being compacted. This has
been fixed.
20067: Data retention (purging) now correctly called after compaction/smoothing
Previously, database retention logic was incorrectly postponed
after smoothing/compaction had taken place on a table. This
could result in the retention of more data than specified in
historian configuration. This has been fixed.
19987: Compaction now recovers after a lost database connection is restored
Compaction now recovers correctly after a lost database
connection is restored.
Data Model
20058: Convert PendingMessageCount and PendingMessageSize to DOUBLE
The types of several rate metrics have been converted to real
numbers to account for the loss of resolution when compaction
is taking place by averaging the metrics.
Next follow the alter table sql sentences to apply to each of
our supported DB platforms (Oracle not needed).
(See readme file for additional information)
--- EMS Monitor (Core --------------
19101: Improved multi-thread support for Advanced Compaction
A better method for multi-thread support for Advanced Compaction was
implemented. Messages like "database connection busy, skip"
should not appear.
--- EMS Monitor (Core --------------
19363: Fixed memory leak for cache attachment with column filter
A memory leak has been fixed in the cache data source. The leak
occurs if there is a data attachment to the current table of a cache,
and the data attachment specifies a column filter but no row filter,
and rows are never or only very rarely removed from the cache. If
there is such a data attachment the data server will leak memory
each time the cache is updated. The size of the leak depends on the
number of columns specified in the filter.
Download from (Use TSC login credentials)
Path: /AvailableDownloads/RTview/EMSmonitor/6.3.0/hotfix-3