All Platforms:
1. Shut down all running TIBCO applications.
2. Unzip the hotfix zip file to a temporary directory.
For example, c:\tibco\trahotfix.
3. Get the TIBCOUniversalInstaller version from TIBCO Support
FTP Server ftp://support-ftp.tibco.com and copy it into the directory
where the hotfix is extracted.
4. Create a backup copy of the {TIBCO_HOME}\tpcl\5.9\jdbc folder as
"jdbc_bkp" at any other location.
5. Run TIBCOUniversalInstaller from the temporary directory and install
the hotfix in the {TIBCO_HOME} of the base product.
6. Restart the TIBCO applications that were shut down prior to installing
this hotfix.
To remove a hotfix, you must delete the contents of the hotfix
directory and restore any files changed per the hotfix readme
instructions. This returns your software to its original condition.
To reinstall a previous hotfix version, follow the instructions
published in the hotfix readme file that is part of the hotfix
All Platforms:
1. Shutdown all running TIBCO applications.
2. Make sure that the directory {TIBCO_HOME}\tpcl\5.9\jdbc_bkp,
that is created during Installation > Step 4, exists at the
given location.
3. Remove the {TIBCO_HOME}\tpcl\5.9\jdbc directory.
4. Rename "jdbc_bkp" created during Installation > step4,
as {TIBCO_HOME}\tpcl\5.9\jdbc.
5. Remove the hotfix readme file from {TIBCO_HOME}\release_notes.
6. Remove <TIBCO_HOME>\_installInfo\ dbdrivers_2.0.1.001_prodInfo.xml.
7. Restart your TIBCO applications.
Affected Files for TIBCO(R) Database Drivers Supplement(TM) 2.0.1_HF-001
The following files are installed by this hotfix. Note that some
files are platform-specific and are installed only on that platform.
All Platforms:
{TIBCO_HOME}\release_notes\ directory:
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_readme.txt
All the files in the {TIBCO_HOME}\tpcl\5.9\jdbc:
- TIdb2.jar
- TIinformix.jar
- TImysql.jar
- TIoracle.jar
- TIsqlserver.jar
- TIsybase.jar
- JDBCDriver.policy
- JDBCDriverLogin.conf
- krb5.conf
For the Windows platform,
- DDJDBC64Auth05.dll
- DDJDBCAuth05.dll
- DDJDBCx64Auth05.dll
The list of packages supporting
TIBCO(R) Database Drivers Supplement(TM) 2.0.1 is as follows:
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_aix_power.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_aix_power_64.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_hpux_hppa.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_hpux_hppa_64.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_hpux_ia64.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_hpux_ia64_32.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_linux_x86.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_linux_x86_64.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_readme.txt
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_sol_sparc.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_sol_sparc_64.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_sol_x86.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_sol_x86_64.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_win_x86.zip
- TIB_dbdrivers_2.0.1_HF-001_win_x86_64.zip
Closed Issues in 2.0.1_HF-001 (This Release)
On an AS400 system with DB2, a Null Pointer Exception was returned when
a stored procedure was used.
For Microsoft SQL Server, Datetime datatype failed to get parsed. To fix
this, add the "protocolversion=7.2" property to the database URL.
TIBCO Product Support
- For an overview of TIBCO Support Services, and information about
getting started with TIBCO Product Support, visit this site:
- If you already have a valid maintenance or support contract,
visit the TIBCO Product Support site: https://support.tibco.com
Entry to this site requires a username and password. If you do
not have a username, you can request for one.
- Check the TIBCO Product Support site "Late Breaking News" page
for product information that was not available at release time.
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TIBCO Software Inc. Confidential Information