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================================================================================ Closed Issues in 6.2.1_HF-003 (This Release)
AMBW-19320 A ClassCast exception was thrown when processing a SOAP request. This has been fixed.
AMBW-19319 The execution statistics such as Total Elapsed Time, Minimum Elapsed Time, and Maximum Elapsed Time were incorrect for completed jobs. For failed jobs, default values were incorrect. This has been fixed.
AMBW-19152 The HTTP bindings were unable to handle flow control requests. This has been fixed.
AMBW-19150 Due to an error in the lookup of certain OSGi bundle entries, applications failed to start and the following error was thrown: "TIBCO-BW-SCHEMA-RESOLVER-500204: Failed to resolve WSDL" This has been fixed.
AMBW-19121 The XML model miscalculated prefixes when ancestor nodes contained two different prefix mappings for the same namespace and the current node remapped one of those prefixes. This has been fixed.
AMBW-18824 The JDBC Call Procedure activity failed to fetch Resultset schema when "ResultSets Use Schema" was enabled and DB2 database was used. This has been fixed.