Description: TIBCO Silver(R) Fabric Enabler for ActiveMatrix BPM(TM) 1.1.0 HF003
has been released. The hotfix can be downloaded from
Affected Files for 1.1.0 HF003
The following files needs to be installed by this hotfix:
Note: This hotfix is not platform specific.
Closed Issue for SFBP 1.1.0 HF003
TIBCO Silver Fabric Enabler for ActiveMatrix BPM 1.1.0 HF003 corrects
and closes the following issue:
SFBP-286 (SR 554780) - Failed to apply AMX HF patch
Note: To apply this hotfix to an installation of AMX 3.3.0 HF008,
change the following file inside the installer:
Remove the feature “installerFeature name="AMX Studio Configuration
Tool 3.6.1”"
by deleting all lines from
line 38 (<installerFeature name="AMX Studio Configuration Tool 3.6.1”)
line 51 (</installerFeature>)