Description: TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.6 HF-10 has been released. You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support ftp server, You will need to provide your TSC (TIBCO Support Central) credentials. You username is your email address to access the server.
Please note you should use an FTP or SFTP client or command-line FTP. TIBCO employees must use a secure protocol.
Server name: Credentials: use your TSC (TIBCO Support Central website) login. Browser: FTP: port 21 SFTP: port 22
Once you have successfully logged into the server, go to /AvailableDownloads/Silver/Fabric/5.6/ to download the fix.
================================================================================ Affected Components for Silver Fabric 5.6 HF-10
The following components are updated by this hotfix: Broker Engine CLI VirtualRouter
================================================================================ Closed Issues in Silver Fabric 5.6 HF-10 (This Release)
Ant Tasks FS-9165 SourceAveraged aggregator fails validation. Source Average causes "IllegalArgumentException" -- SourceAveraged is correct and it now passes validation.
FS-9095 Using the "apply" action in the sf:patch Ant task no longer throws a "java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.math.BigInteger" exception.
Broker FS-9161 Deadlock situation arising from network issues holding up out of process Virtual Router notifications which leads to many VR login attempts and thread default pool exhaustion is eliminated
FS-9169 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException thrown when many engine daemons attempt to login in at the same time is elimintated.
FS-9187 Fixed problem where daemons log into the broker and get turned back with a "Server Busy" message.
Engine FS-9195 Encrypted runtime variables added by the enabler on the engine during activation are no longer logged in the broker or engine log.
Skyway FS-9203 No longer including the SkyWay username and password in the fabricserver.log at FINE or any other level.