Description: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database 7.1.0 Hotfix 4 is released for all platforms. Please refer to the product readme file for details regarding the supported platforms.
Listed below is a summary of updates included in this Hotfix. Please refer to the Hotfix Readme for additional details and installation instructions.
Closed Issues in 7.1.0_HF-004 (This Release)
When multiple Publication services were created in an adapter instance, if a
service of Publication Service used the Rendezvous Certified transport, the
ADB_L_DELIVERY_STATUS status of this service could not be changed to "C".
In an adapter instance configured with multiple services of Subscription
Service, if you did the following configurations:
-The services were configured with the same transport type.
-The Use Separate Session check box was not selected.
-A parent-child table relationship was used for one of the services.
-The subBatchCommitTimeout and subBatchCommitSize properties were set.
In a specific commit transaction Subscription Service occasionally
committed and confirmed only the parent-table data of a message; in the
subsequent commit transaction, Subscription Service committed the child-table
data of this message.
This issue resulted from the use of one timer for each service.
To resolve this issue, add the following properties to the adbagent.tra file:
-adb.<default session name>.subBatchCommitTimeout
-adb.<default session name>.subBatchCommitSize
After the properties are added, all services of Subscription Service, which
are configured with the same transport type, will share one batch commit
timer and one batch commit size.
1.In Subscription Service, if the Use Separate Session check box is not
selected in the Configuration tab, the Batch Commit Size and Batch Commit
Timeout (milliseconds) fields are removed from the Subscriber Options tab.
If you want to use batch commit without using separate sessions, you have
to set either of the following properties in the adbagent.tra file:
-adb.subBatchCommitTimeout and adb.subBatchCommitSize (with precedence)
-adb.<default session name>.subBatchCommitTimeout and
adb.<default session name>.subBatchCommitSize
2.If you set the Batch Commit Size and Batch Commit Timeout fields in
Subscription Service in TIBCO Designer and then upgrade the adapter from
an earlier version to this version, the configurations of these
properties in TIBCO Designer will be lost and you have to reset these
properties in the adbagent.tra file.
3.In an adapter instance with multiple services of Subscription Service,
if you set the same transport type and different batch commit sizes for
these services in TIBCO Designer, after you upgrade the adapter from an
earlier version to this version, you can just set one batch commit size
for these services in the adbagent.tra file.
When you used Request-Response Service, if you executed a "select" SQL statement
to select a column containing a NULL value, TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for
Database 7.1 could not return the NULL value.
When an adapter instance was being started, the adapter mistakenly sent a status
of successful startup to TIBCO Administrator.
This hot fix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support file transfer server,, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web. You can use FTP, SFTP (FTP or SFTP use requires an FTP / SFTP client or command-line FTP), or your web browser at (requires Java applet support in your browser). Once logged on you can find the hot fix under: /AvailableDownloads/Adapters/ActiveDataBase/7.1.0/hotfix-04/ Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this Hotfix.