TIBCO Formvine 3.3.3 is now available

TIBCO Formvine 3.3.3 is now available


Article ID: KB0102977


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Formvine -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO Formvine 3.3.3 is now available on edelivery.tibco.com.

The changes in functionality in the 3.3.3 release of this product are:

• The My Projects list can now be filtered based on name, status. When Status is selected, options are presented to filter by online, offline, or tasks pending. If no option is selected, all statues are returned in the search.

• New properties, fv.restrict.named.users and fv.named.users, have been added to the administration.properties file to manage the users who are permitted to create projects. You can store a whitelist of users who are allowed to be project owners (so they can create projects).

• Upgrade to JRE 1.8, JQuery 1.8, JQuery UI 1.11.2, and Tomcat 7.0.57

• Project import now has additional options.

• By default Formvine sets the X-Frame-Options header on all responses as SAMEORIGIN. This means that Formvine can be embedded only in applications that are hosted on the same domain as Formvine. For example, if Formvine is hosted on formvine.example.com then it can be embedded only in applications that are hosted on *.example.com, such as tibbr.example.com.

You can control the framing of the Formvine application into others by determining the response header X-Frame-Options returned by Formvine. If this property is left blank, then the header is not returned, and Formvine could be framed in any application.

• Added support for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service(TM) 8.1.x and 8.2.x.

• Support is no longer provided for the following operating systems and versions, which were deprecated in previous releases:


    — RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.6 on x86

    — RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.6 on x86 64-bit


    — Windows XP on x86 32-bit, Service Pack 3

    — Windows Server 2008 on x86 64-bit

Instructions for installing Formvine 3.3.3 can be found in the Release Notes.


TIBCO Formvine 3.3.3 is now available


Linux and Windows