TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.2.0 hotfix 3 has been released.

TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.2.0 hotfix 3 has been released.


Article ID: KB0102724


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TIBCO BusinessConnect -
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TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.2.0 hotfix 3 has been released.

You can download this Hot Fix from the TIBCO Product Support server using your  TIBCO Support Central (TSC) username (email address) and password, at

mft.tibco.com supports FTP, HTTPS, and SFTP.

Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under


Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.

Closed Issues in 6.2.0_HF-003 (This Release)

If a large number of files in the SSHFTP server directory, TIBCO BusinessConnect 
hung and did not get files from certain SSHFTP server to TIBCO BusinessConnect.

When TIBCO BusinessConnect sent a synchronous response of an inbound NAESB request 
to a trading partner, the time-c value generated in the response was in the
YYYYMDDHHmmss format, which was incorrect.
Note: The format of the value is changed to YYYYMMDDHHmmss.

A NullPointerException exception was thrown out from BusinessConnect Interior 
Server occasionally after saving BusinessAgreement configurations in 
BusinessConnect Administrator.

TIBCO BusinessConnect Gateway Server and TIBCO BusinessConnect Interior Server 
now can use plain HTTP connections for data transferring. You need to add
"bc.ib.channel.force.plain" property in TIBCO Administrator GUI under 
BusinessConnect > System Settings > Activated Protocol Plug-ins and Properties 
> BC, and set the value of the "java.property.bc.ib.channel.force.plain" 
property in all gsengine.tra files to true separately. 

This implementation can reduce the communication time consumption between Gateway 
Server and Interior Server when highly performance is required and the data 
transfer security between these two types of servers is not a big concern. 
By default, this property is disabled.

When TIBCO BusinessConnect was running in a high volume scenario with Oracle
database, the "ORA-00001: unique constraint violated" error could occur.

When TIBCO BusinessConnect received an asynchronous MDN message from a
trading partner, it was not audit logged into the original transaction's
audit log entry, but rather logged as a new audit log entry. This would cause
an "ORA-00001: unique constraint violated" error.

When receiving a PGP encrypted message from a trading partner using the
SSHFTP transport, if the file size was larger than 10 MB, the PGP decryption 
process failed.

By adding "java.property.gs.webengine.http.connection.timeout" property in the 
gsengine.tra file to specify the total amount of time in milliseconds that 
Gateway Server waits for the payloads of trading partners to be uploaded after 
accepting the HTTP connection. The default value of this property is 300000 
milliseconds. You can increase this value when the payload size is too large 
that cannot be uploaded in 300000 milliseconds.

By adding "java.property.bc.ib.channel.maxProcessor" property in the 
BusinessConnect-Interior_Server.tra to specify the maximum number of threads 
that each Interior Server can use to handle the data transferring between Interior 
Server and Gateway Servers using the data-tunneling. The data streaming can come 
from Gateway Server when receiving inbound messages from trading partners, or go 
to Gateway Server and eventually go to trading partners when trading partners 
download files using the PartnerExpress, SSHFTP or FTPS service. The default 
value of this property is 5. You can increase this value when high volumes or
large payloads are processed.

When you set a value for this property, it is good practice that the total number
of this property in all Interior Servers is close to the total value of the
java.property.gs.webengine.ddtp.maxProcessor property in all Gateway Servers.

You can configure IBM Tivoli Directory Server (LDAP) as the user authentication
source to store the authentication information of trading partners in TIBCO
Administrator GUI under BusinessConnect > System Settings > User Authentication 

You can add the following property in the BusinessConnect-Interior_Server.tra 
file so that when an outbound NAESB message sent out to a trading partner, 
a version number form part is added in the message. This implementation is 
designed for trading partners whose NAESB handler might strictly check the 
version number in the received inbound NAESB message although the version 
number form part is optional in NAESB standard.


where tp_name is the name of the trading partner and version_number is the
NAESB version you want to add in the outbound NAESB message sent to this
trading partner.

When TIBCO BusinessConnect received an inbound NAESB packaged message and checked 
for the input-format data element, if the name of the input-format data element 
was in lowercase, an error was thrown.

You can manually add the "bc.naesb.request.use.refnum" property in TIBCO
Administrator GUI under BusinessConnect > System Settings > Activated Protocol 
Plug-ins and Properties > BC to specify whether the refnum data element is 
included in outbound HTTP NAESB messages or HTTPS NAESB messages. This property 
is a boolean type property, and is enabled by default.

When BusinessConnect received an inbound NAESB request, the HTTP basic 
authentication failed although a valid user name and password were specified.


TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.2.0 hotfix 3 has been released.


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