TIBCO Foresight Transaction Insight, 4.2.0, HF-045, September 22, 2015

TIBCO Foresight Transaction Insight, 4.2.0, HF-045, September 22, 2015


Article ID: KB0102734


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Foresight Transaction Insight -
Not Applicable -



We are pleased to notify you of updates to the TIBCO Foresight Transaction Insight 4.2.0 HF-045 

Each platform zip files contain all pertinent HF001 files, including the ‘ReadMe’ file

TIB_transactioninsight_4.2.0 HF-045_aix_power

TIB_transactioninsight_4.2.0 HF-045_aix_power_64.zip

TIB_transactioninsight_4.2.0 HF-045_linux_x86_64.zip

TIB_transactioninsight_4.2.0 HF-045_win_x86_64.zip

TIB_transactioninsight_4.2.0 HF-045_readme

Downloading Updates

Updates can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support file transfer server, mft.tibco.com, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web.  You can use FTP, SFTP (FTP or SFTP use requires an FTP/SFTP client or command-line FTP), or your web browser at https://mft.tibco.com (requires JAVA applet support in your browser).

Once on the MFT site, downloads can be found: /AvailableDownloads/Foresight/Transaction Insight/5.0.0

Contact Us

Please direct any questions about this change to TIBCO Foresight Technical Support.
E-mail:  support@tibco.com
Web:  https://support.tibco.com 

(Note: Entry to this site requires a username and password. If you do not have one, you can request one. You must have a valid maintenance or support contract to use this site.) 


Product Name:    TIBCO Foresight(R) Transaction Insight(R)

Release Version: 4.2.0_HF-045

Release Date:    September 2015


Legal Notice

This Hotfix is provided pursuant to the terms and conditions of the

written maintenance and support agreement between you (or your company) and

TIBCO and use of the Hotfix is controlled by the terms of such written

maintenance and support agreement.



Hotfixes are cumulative. This hotfix includes all previous generally available

hotfixes for TIBCO Foresight Transaction Insight 4.2.0.




All Products

1. Determine the server's operating system and whether it is 32 or 64 bit.

   Select the zip file from the hotfix that matches this information and

   unzip it to a temporary location.

2. Back up the Systems folder on the server. The location of this folder

   varies. A typical install on Windows would place the folder at


3. Unzip the Systems.zip folder into the Systems folder on the server.


Transaction Insight

1. Back up the environment folder. The location of this folder varies. A

   typical install on Windows would place the folder at

   c:\TIBCO\TransactionInsight\4.2.0\Environments\<ENV>, where <ENV> is

   your environment folder.

2. Unzip the environment.zip folder into the environment folder from the

   previous step.

3. For Oracle TI databases, execute these scripts contained in the

   database\Oracle directory of the hotfix:

       - TIB_transactioninsight_4.2.0_HF-045.sql

4. For SQL Server TI databases, execute these scripts contained in the

   database\SqlServer directory of the hotfix:

       - TIB_transactioninsight_4.2.0_HF-045.sql

5. If this is a web server, restart IIS.


   If you have a SQL Server database and you experience issue TI-481 (Timeouts

   in the Document Search page), follow these additional steps. If you are on

   Oracle or have not experienced issue TI-481, do not proceed with these steps.

   - Add the following line to your web.config file in the

     <appSettings></appSettings> section:

     <add key="UseDocSearchRecompile" value="true"/>

   - Repeat on each web server.


   If you are using the Alert Processor to send out emails for certain

   conditions and you need to turn on the Alert Processor logging to

   troubleshoot possible issues, then follow these additional steps.

   - Add the following line to the <appSettings></appSettings> section in the

     AlertProcessor.exe.config file found in the

     c:\TIBCO\TransactionInsight\4.2.0\Environments\<ENV>\bin directory:

     <add key="TurnOnLogging" value="true"/>

     <add key="LogFileName" value="TransactionInsightLogger"/>

     <add key="LogFileSizeInBytes" value="10000000"/>

   - Repeat on each web server.


If you are not using Archive, skip this section

1. Back up the Archiver\4.2.0 folder. The location of this folder varies.
   A typical install on Windows would place the folder at

2. Unzip the Archiver.zip folder into the Archiver folder on the server.

3. For Oracle TI databases, execute these scripts contained in the
   database\Oracle directory of the hotfix:

       - TIB_transactioninsight_4.2.0_HF-045.sql
       - TIB_archive_4.2.0_HF-040.sql

4. For SQL Server TI databases, execute these scripts contained in the
   database\SqlServer directory of the hotfix:

       - TIB_transactioninsight_4.2.0_HF-045.sql
       - TIB_archive_4.2.0_HF-040.sql

5. If this is a web server, restart IIS.

6. For installing updated Archiver Web Services,
   please refer to the document "HowToInstallWebService_HF_versioned.pdf"
   to replace the existing ArchiverWebService.war with the updated version.

Document External Note Web Service

If you are not using Document External Note Web Service, skip this section.

Please refer to the document "HowToInstallWebService_HF_versioned.pdf"
for installation instructions.


A new command line option has been added to allow the encryption of database
information.  In addition, database information will no longer be written to log

To encrypt your database information run Importer with the
"-encryptini <ini>" option and specify the location of your ini file.

For example:
   Importer -encryptini C:\example\Importer.ini

This will find the line starting with "connectstring=", change it to start with
"connectstring_enc=" and encrypt the remainder of the line.  After this,
Importer will be able to read the connection information but you will not so
make sure your database connection information works before you encrypt it!

Operational Monitor

If you are not using Operational Monitor, skip this section.

1. For Oracle Operational Monitor databases, execute these scripts contained
   in the database\Oracle directory of the hotfix:

       - TIB_operationalmonitor_4.2.0_HF-039.sql

2. For SQL Server Operational Monitor databases, execute these scripts
   contained in the database\SqlServer directory of the hotfix:

       - TIB_operationalmonitor_4.2.0_HF-039.sql


Encrypted Database Connection Information:

A new command line option has been added to allow the encryption of database
information.  In addition, database information will no longer be written to log

To encrypt your database information run ScenarioDetector with the
"-encryptconfig <config>" option and specify the location of your config file.

For example:
   ScenarioDetector.bat -encryptconfig C:\example\ScenarioDetector.config

This will find the line starting with "db=", change it to start with "db_enc="
and encrypt the remainder of the line.  After this, ScenarioDetector will be
able to read the connection information but you will not so make sure your
database connection information works before you encrypt it!

Foresight Studio Workflow Component

If you are not using TAMS and the ScenarioDetector Automator component,
skip this section.

1. Edit the "Systems\Model\system.xml" file in the Systems directory where
   Automator/Studio is installed.  Add the following lines to the end of the
   file just before the last line "</System>":


2. Create the following 3 global variables using Foresight Studio.  These
   variables are case sensitive so type them in exactly as shown:

   Name                            Value
   FS_OSD_SCENARIODETECTORBAT_W  | ScenarioDetector.bat
   FS_OSD_SCENARIODETECTORBAT_U  | ScenarioDetector.sh

   The Scenario Detector component should show up on the TI palette in Foresight

3. Scenario Guidelines: Scenarios are composed of conditions which are
   generated by business rules in the Instream guideline. In addition to
   the installation steps already described, you must run a database
   script to create these conditions and use the guidelines developed to
   be used with scenarios. Both the guidelines and the database script are
   included with Instream 8.3 and later.

TAMS (Test Asset Management Suite)

If you are not using TAMS, skip this section.

1. Execute these scripts contained in the database\SqlServer directory

       - TIB_tams_4.2.0_HF-039.sql

2. The Transaction Insight TAMS add-on provides a scenario detection component
which will detect scenarios in an Instream results file and update that file
with one or more Z-records per document indicating the first scenario that was
encountered.  Scenarios are composed of conditions which are generated by
business rules in the Instream guideline.  The initial release of TAMS does
not include any conditions.

Additional scenario related documentation is available at the TIBCO website:


Product - 'TIBCO Foresight Test Asset Management Suite'
Document -'TAMS_ScenarioDetector.pdf'



TIBCO Foresight Transaction Insight, 4.2.0, HF-045, September 22, 2015


Product: TIBCO Foresight Transaction insight Version: OS: All Supported Operating Systems --------------------