TIBCO Nimbus 9.2.2 Hotfix08 is now available

TIBCO Nimbus 9.2.2 Hotfix08 is now available


Article ID: KB0102690


Updated On:

Products Versions
Not Applicable -


Product Name    : TIBCO Nimbus
Release Version :
Release Date     : 19th October 2015


This hotfix applies to TIBCO Nimbus V 9.2.2

Closed Issues in this release

NIM-854 BUG: Performance degradation and lock-ups in Author Client, Web Server and

SSync.exe from heavily used data table definitions

Data table attachments in unpackaged maps could cause the data table definition to grow

excessively large with each change to the definition due to the spurious recording of specific

access rights of invalid user accounts. This would result in a performance degradation and

eventual lock-up of the Author Client, the Web Server and the Synchronization Utility


Files affected by this hotfix:

The following files are installed by this hotfix:

  • Client\Ctrl.exe


NOTE: See attached document for installation instructions


The Hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support file transfer server, mft.tibco.com, 
using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Central website. Please note you 
should use an FTP or SFTP client or command-line FTP.  
TIBCO employees must use a secure protocol.  

Server name: mft.tibco.com
Credentials: use your TSC (TIBCO Support Central website) login.
Browser:  https://mft.tibco.com
FTP: port 21
SFTP: port 22

Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under the following location(s):


TIBCO Nimbus 9.2.2 Hotfix08 is now available


TIBCO nimbus V 9.2.2

Additional Information

TIBCO Nimbus Hotfix 9 2 2 10044


TIBCO Nimbus 9.2.2 Hotfix08 is now available get_app