TIBCO Spotfire 7.0.X hotfix TS_7.0.1.11 HF-008 is now available
Article ID: KB0103108
Updated On:
Spotfire Analyst
Spotfire Automation Services
Not Applicable
Description: TIBCO Spotfire 7.0.X hotfix TS_7.0.1.11 HF-008 is now available - the hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Spotfire Support Download site at: http://support.spotfire.com/patches_spotfire.asp#spotfire70
Listed below is a summary of the issue(s) that have been fixed in this release: ========================================================
TS-42679 When loading analysis, user may be prompted for data table datasource analysis has option Prompt for new settings before loading checked. TS-42695 Listbox (in text area) may cause scroll to top after selecting items at bottom of the list, sometimes selected item does not appear within in visible range of items. TS-42733 Not possible to change timeout in Services settings section of Spotfire.Dxp.Main.dll.config. After fix, timeout set to less than one hour is ignored. TS-42646 Analysis created in TIBCO Spotfire cloud not possible to open in TIBCO Spotfire not origin from cloud. TS-42800 Some files saved in older versions than Spotfire 7.0 using a SSAS connection were not possible to open in Spotfire 7.0. TSWP-9343 Unnecessary high number of calls to get Font Height when interacting with text in visualization, that may affect performance due to external issue with garbage collect. TS-42848 Deleted columns in some cases reappeared if column was renamed prior to deletion. TS-42907 Crash when updating a bookmark through the API, if the bookmark contains a cross table with sub totals that has been updated in the same transaction. TS-42914 Options on filter tab of Export To PDF dialog may be incorrectly disabled. TS-42961 Drag-selecting values in a multi select list box in the text area could sometimes crash. TS-42970 In rare cases, unclear when, users may receive errors of type "ExternalException (0x80004005): A generic error occurred in GDI+" TS-42903 Clicking in bookmark context menu could close the popout TS-42964 Table cells text is not split into multiple lines unless the text contains spaces. TS-42962 Filter based PDF export may give empty export when having multiple filtering schemes. TS-43023 Legend items in the map chart may be truncated even when there is space available. TS-42889 "NullReferenceException when using PanelTypeIdentifiers.BookmarkPanel in PanelCollection.TryGetPanel(TypeIdentifier typeId, out Panel panel), PanelCollection.AddNew(TypeIdentifier typeId)" The methods now just return false in the case of unsupported type identifiers, such as PanelTypeIdentifiers.BookmarkPanel TS-43046 Log out may fail when closing TIBCO Spotfire. TSWP-9416 A user with IE10 or higher may be prompted to upgrade to IE10 or higher if IE has been configured to disable websockets.