Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under:
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
Closed Issues in 6.0.0_HF-001 (This Release)
After a partner had self-registered and also got approved by the administrator,
the partner still received reminder letter when the reminder time arrived, and
the status of this partner became "Expired".
This issue has been fixed.
Only the transactions with the default trading host were displayed on Trading
Community Management audit log page.
This issue has been fixed. On the Trading Community Management audit log page,
the audit logs of transactions with all trading hosts are displayed, with a new
"Host" column added indicating which host the transactions are with.
Both partner name and username were required to login to Trading Community
This has been improved that partner can use only username to login
to TCM. Partner name is optional now; but if it's provided, it must match with the
partner the given username is associated with.
Customized product name and logo were not supported for Trading Community
This issue has been fixed. In TIBCO BusinessConnect Administrator, two
properties "Product Logo" and "Product Name" are introduced in PartnerSelfService
protocol configuration; customer can use these two properties to specify the
customized product name and logo.
Self-registration invitation letter template was not customizable.
This issue has been fixed. In TIBCO BusinessConnect Administrator, property
"Invitation Template" is introduced in PartnerSelfService protocol
configuration; customer can use this property to specify the customized
invitation letter template. After that, the template will appear on TIBCO
Administrator/BusinessConnect/Partner Management/Campaign page.
When trading partners used TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management to
configure external users, they couldn't assign the access permissions of other
Gateway Services (such as SSHFTP, FTPS, PX, etc.) to the external users.
This issue has been fixed.
TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management 6.0.0 Hotfix 1 has been released.
TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management 6.0.0all platforms
Additional Information
TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management 6.0.0 documentation