Closed Issues in 6.2.0_HF-005 (This Release)
TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.2.0 HF4 did not contain correct configstore-core.jar
in {BC_HOME}/hotfix/lib directory.
Closed Issues in 6.2.0_HF-004
BC-8869, BC-8870
When download files from SSHFTP server hosted by BusinessConnect, significant delay
or even failure could happen.
The value of trans-id in NAESB response generated by TIBCO BusinessConnect was
not 15 digits integer which is mandated by NAESB standard.
When multiple messages were staged in "Inbox" with the same transaction ID and to be
downloaded by SSH FTP client through TIBCO BusinessConnect Plug-in for SSH Server,
which file was actually downloaded was unpredictable.
This issue has been fixed in this hotfix, together with the BusinessConnect Plug-in
for SSH Server 1.0.0 HF-001 release. Files will be stored and listed by the
actual filenames rather than ids, so no such problem occurs again.
When trading partners use TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management to
configure external users, they could not assign the access permissions of other
Gateway Services (such as SSHFTP, FTPS and PX) to external users.
TIBCO BusinessConnect did not support customizing the template invitation letter
of TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management.
This issue has been fixed in this hotfix, together with the BusinessConnect
Trading Community Management 6.0.0 HF-001 release.
TIBCO BusinessConnect did not support customizing product name of TIBCO BusinessConnect
Trading Community Management.
This issue has been fixed in this hotfix, together with the BusinessConnect
Trading Community Management 6.0.0 HF-001 release.
When files were staged in "Inbox" to be accessed by Gateway Services such as SSHFTP,
FTPS, PartnerExpress, etc., the filenames are not exposed from these Gateway
Upload File fields on TIBCO BusinessConnect Administrator UI were all "null" links
when there was no uploaded file content.
Closed Issues in 6.2.0_HF-003
If a large number of files in the SSHFTP server directory, TIBCO BusinessConnect
hung and did not get files from certain SSHFTP server to TIBCO BusinessConnect.
When TIBCO BusinessConnect sent a synchronous response of an inbound NAESB request
to a trading partner, the time-c value generated in the response was in the
YYYYMDDHHmmss format, which was incorrect.
Note: The format of the value is changed to YYYYMMDDHHmmss.
A NullPointerException exception was thrown out from BusinessConnect Interior
Server occasionally after saving BusinessAgreement configurations in
BusinessConnect Administrator.
TIBCO BusinessConnect Gateway Server and TIBCO BusinessConnect Interior Server
now can use plain HTTP connections for data transferring. You need to add
"" property in TIBCO Administrator GUI under
BusinessConnect > System Settings > Activated Protocol Plug-ins and Properties
> BC, and set the value of the ""
property in all gsengine.tra files to true separately.
This implementation can reduce the communication time consumption between Gateway
Server and Interior Server when highly performance is required and the data
transfer security between these two types of servers is not a big concern.
By default, this property is disabled.
When TIBCO BusinessConnect was running in a high volume scenario with Oracle
database, the "ORA-00001: unique constraint violated" error could occur.
When TIBCO BusinessConnect received an asynchronous MDN message from a
trading partner, it was not audit logged into the original transaction's
audit log entry, but rather logged as a new audit log entry. This would cause
an "ORA-00001: unique constraint violated" error.
When receiving a PGP encrypted message from a trading partner using the
SSHFTP transport, if the file size was larger than 10 MB, the PGP decryption
process failed.
By adding "" property in the
gsengine.tra file to specify the total amount of time in milliseconds that
Gateway Server waits for the payloads of trading partners to be uploaded after
accepting the HTTP connection. The default value of this property is 300000
milliseconds. You can increase this value when the payload size is too large
that cannot be uploaded in 300000 milliseconds.
By adding "" property in the
BusinessConnect-Interior_Server.tra to specify the maximum number of threads
that each Interior Server can use to handle the data transferring between Interior
Server and Gateway Servers using the data-tunneling. The data streaming can come
from Gateway Server when receiving inbound messages from trading partners, or go
to Gateway Server and eventually go to trading partners when trading partners
download files using the PartnerExpress, SSHFTP or FTPS service. The default
value of this property is 5. You can increase this value when high volumes or
large payloads are processed.
When you set a value for this property, it is good practice that the total number
of this property in all Interior Servers is close to the total value of the property in all Gateway Servers.
You can configure IBM Tivoli Directory Server (LDAP) as the user authentication
source to store the authentication information of trading partners in TIBCO
Administrator GUI under BusinessConnect > System Settings > User Authentication
You can add the following property in the BusinessConnect-Interior_Server.tra
file so that when an outbound NAESB message sent out to a trading partner,
a version number form part is added in the message. This implementation is
designed for trading partners whose NAESB handler might strictly check the
version number in the received inbound NAESB message although the version
number form part is optional in NAESB standard.<tp_name>=<version_number>
where tp_name is the name of the trading partner and version_number is the
NAESB version you want to add in the outbound NAESB message sent to this
trading partner.
When TIBCO BusinessConnect received an inbound NAESB packaged message and checked
for the input-format data element, if the name of the input-format data element
was in lowercase, an error was thrown.
You can manually add the "bc.naesb.request.use.refnum" property in TIBCO
Administrator GUI under BusinessConnect > System Settings > Activated Protocol
Plug-ins and Properties > BC to specify whether the refnum data element is
included in outbound HTTP NAESB messages or HTTPS NAESB messages. This property
is a boolean type property, and is enabled by default.
When BusinessConnect received an inbound NAESB request, the HTTP basic
authentication failed although a valid user name and password were specified.
Closed Issues in 6.2.0_HF-002
When importing one participant twice the contacts information of this participant
was duplicated rather than merged.
When TIBCO BusinessConnect was connecting to an SSHFTP server, if
you selected the password mode as the authentication mode to connect
to the SSHFTP server that was working in the Keyboard-Interactive mode,
the "Authentication methods have been exhausted: password" error was
The Keyboard-Interaction mode is added to the authentication mode in
the configuration of the SSHFTP transport; this issue is fixed if you use
the Keyboard-Interaction mode rather than the password mode to connect to
the SSHFTP server.
When EDI Acknowledgement such as TA1 was generated by TIBCO BusinessConnect
and was waiting in Inbox to be downloaded, if BusinessEvent integration was
enabled and all the advisories were to be sent to BusinessEvent channels, the
trading partner failed to download EDI Acknowledgement through the SFTP transport.
Because of a memory leak, TIBCO BusinessConnect Gateway Server stopped
responding to HTTP requests sent from trading partners after Gateway
Server was running for long time.
If the multiple transactions with the same transaction ID were staged in Inbox
waiting to be downloaded by a trading partner, the trading partner failed
to download these documents through the FTPS, SFTP, or TIBCO PartnerExpress.
If using TIBCO BusinessConnect as an SSHFTP client to connect to an SSHFTP
server on some specific operating systems such as, Microsoft Windows 2008
Server, TIBCO BusinessConnect failed to connect to the SSHFTP server and
the following error was displayed:
SSHFTP An I/O error detected: SshMgr: Ssh Transport creation failed due
to I/O errors: Invalid argument: no further information
This issue was fixed. To resolve this issue, add the following property
in the .tra file of the BusinessConnect engines:<trading partner name>.sshftp.tcpnodelay=false
When TIBCO BusinessConnect was communicating with a server that only supported
the HTTP 1.0 protocol, if the value of the "bc.http.client.expect.header"
BusinessConnect system property was set to false and excluded the "Expect:
100-continue" HTTP header in the outbound HTTP requests, the header still
existed in the outgoing AS2 asynchronous MDN receipt, which caused the
malfunction of the MDN receiver side (the HTTP server).
Set the bc.http.client.expect.header property in TIBCO Administrator:
BusinessConnect > System Settings > Activated Protocol Plug-ins and
Properties > BC.
If you were using TIBCO PartnerExpress with TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.2.0,
trading partners failed to access PartnerExpress Server from the client
side because the ClassCastException exception was thrown on the
server side.
When Gateway Server started a PartnerExpress service for the first time,
if you were using TIBCO PartnerExpress with TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.2.0,
the server threw a FileNotFoundException exception, which had no
influence on your operation.
Because of a memory leak, TIBCO BusinessConnect Gateway Server stopped
responding to the downloading and uploading requests of SFTP or FTPS
sent from trading partners after Gateway Server was running for long
TIBCO BusinessConnect failed to decompress the received EMAIL request
if the request was encrypted and compressed with attachments on responder
TIBCO BusinessConnect failed to import a .csx file if JRE1.7.0_72-b14 was
installed in the same TIBCO_HOME directory with other TIBCO products, such
as TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.2.0 and TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.9.1.
Closed Issues in 6.2.0_HF-001
Enhancements in Business Connect framework for TIBCO BusinessConnect Plug-in
for FTP Server 1.0.0 Hotfix 1
Updates to business agreement protocol binding view not getting updated in real
time in the engine.
The Validation Guideline configured under business agreement operation override
settings is not getting migrated from older versions to newer versions of EDI
protocol. Instead it is set to the corresponding value under operations editor.
Search not working properly under Business Agreements.
AS2 MDN response from BusinessConnect does not contain the Content-Length header.
This can cause problems for senders who expect this header in a synchronous HTTP
request response.
Inbound Email messages with attachments of GZIP compression cannot be further
processed (such as decryption and signature verification) after the attachments
are decompressed. This happens for EDI protocols specifically.
Outbound HTTP(S) cannot be established if the HTTP URL contains only Hostname
(or IP Address) and the port number, such as "http://<hostname>:port".