Description: TIBCO Silver(R) Fabric Enabler for ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) 3.1.0 HF004 has been released
Affected Files for 3.1.0 HF004
The following file is installed by this hotfix:
Note: This hotfix is not platform specific.
Closed Issues in 3.1.0 HF004 (This Release)
SFBW-1303 (customer reported as SR 671671)
A ClassCastException is thrown when deploying the application which contains both process archive and adapter archive using Ant Script/REST client
Note 1: If you want to deploy the same application to multiple components (same or different component types ) using an Ant Script or the REST client, you need to deploy it for each component.
Steps for deploying it are as follows:
1. Set "ComponentName = First_Component_Name" in the deployment criteria properties file (deploymentFile for REST client, criteriafile for Ant Task).
2. Deploy the application.
3. Update the deployment criteria properties file by setting "ComponentName = Second_Component_Name".
4. Deploy the application.
5. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 if there are more components where the application must be deployed.
Note 2: The steps of deploying an application to different components are applicable to the application which has one or more types of archives.
You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support ftp server, You will need to provide your TSC (TIBCO Support Central) credentials. You username is your email address to access the server.
Please note you should use an FTP or SFTP client or command-line FTP. TIBCO employees must use a secure protocol.
Server name:
Credentials: use your TSC (TIBCO Support Central website) login.
FTP: port 21
SFTP: port 22
Once you have successfully logged into the server, go to /Silver/Fabric/Enablers/SFBW/3.1.0 to download the fix.