TIBCO Substation ES 2.8.1 HotFix #3 is now available.

TIBCO Substation ES 2.8.1 HotFix #3 is now available.


Article ID: KB0103389


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Substation ES -
Not Applicable -


This is the third hotfix for TIBCO Substation ES 2.8.1. We recommend that all hotfixes be installed.

This hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support file transfer server, mft.tibco.com, using your username and password for the

TIBCO Support Web. You can use FTP, SFTP (FTP or SFTP use requires an FTP / SFTP client or command-line FTP), or your web browser at

https://mft.tibco.com (requires Java applet support in your browser). Once logged on you can find the hotfix as follows:

  Select AvailableDownloads

  Select Mainframe

  Select Adapters

  Select Substation

  Select 2.8.1

  Select hotfix-3

You should then be able to see and download the files.



Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.

Closed Issues in 2.8.1 hotfix #3 (This Release)

  SSES-1116 - Normal
  ESB - Recipes and Triggers
  If there are an excessive number of recipes and/or triggers and the SUSPEND
  or RECOVER takes a long time, a timeout will occur to the command.
  Recipes and triggers totalling 300-500 depending on machine.
  This fix increases the wait time and allows the command to complete normally.
  SSES-964 - High
  ESB - Rendezvous
  RV ESB if the ESB listener callback gets an error Substation will
  produce a S40D abend. This is a memory related error.



TIBCO Substation ES 2.8.1 HotFix #3 is now available.


Product: TIBCO Substation ES Version: 2.8.1 OS: z/OS 1.8 through z/OS 1.13 & z/OS 2.1 --------------------