TIBCO GridServer(TM) 6.2.0 HF-03 has been released

TIBCO GridServer(TM) 6.2.0 HF-03 has been released


Article ID: KB0103344


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO DataSynapse GridServer -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO GridServer(TM) 6.2.0 HF-03 has been released

Affected Components for 6.2.0_hotfix03

The following components are updated by this hotfix:

Java Driver
Java Services
C++ Driver
C++ Services
.NET Driver
.NET Services
Windows Daemon
Unix Daemon

Closed Issues in 6.2.0_hotfix03 (This Release)

Admin Interface
Resolved an issue introduced in GS-12730 which disabled the use of the wildcard
character '*' in CONTAINS operation when selecting Service discriminators

C++ Specific
Altering NT Engine behavior to match UNIX Engine behavior to pick up the IP
address correctly on startup. 

Engine self-ping now defaults to false. Existing user-created Engine
Configurations won't be affected until a Manager reconfigure is performed to
reinstall the Broker after which self-ping false will be the default for all
engine configurations. 

Web Services
Fixed an array initialization problem that generated an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when the getServiceDiscriminator operation was
called with a valid discriminator name.

You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support ftp server, mft.tibco.com.  You will need to provide your  TSC (TIBCO Support Central) credentials.  You username is your email address  to access the server.

Please note you should use an FTP or SFTP client or command-line FTP. TIBCO employees must use a secure protocol.

Server name: mft.tibco.com
Credentials: use your TSC (TIBCO Support Central website) login.
Browser:  https://mft.tibco.com
FTP: port 21
SFTP: port 22

Once you have successfully logged into the server, go to /AvailableDownloads/DataSynapse/GridServer/6.2.0


TIBCO GridServer(TM) 6.2.0 HF-03 has been released