TIBCO Spotfire 6.5.X hotfix TS_6.5.3.26 HF-022 is now available
Article ID: KB0103358
Updated On:
Spotfire Analyst
Spotfire Automation Services
Not Applicable
Description: TIBCO Spotfire 6.5.X hotfix TS_6.5.3.26 HF-022 is now available - the hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Spotfire Support Download site at: http://support.spotfire.com/patches_spotfire.asp#spotfire65
Listed below is a summary of the issue(s) that have been fixed in this release: ========================================================
TS-45022 - using != and = methods in expression language differs for some multibyte characters in strings when compared to versions before 5.0. TS-44658 - Null is not sent for stored procedure parameters when using on-demand. TS-45330 - The column properties dialog hangs for in-db string columns when there is a lot of data.