TIBCO® API Exchange (Gateway and Manager) 2.2.1 Hotfix 001 is now available.
Article ID: KB0103271
Updated On:
TIBCO API Exchange
Not Applicable
Description: ================================================================================ NOTE: See attached Readme document for installation instructions and list of issues resolved in this hotfix. ================================================================================
The TIBCO® API Exchange 2.2.1 Hotfix 001 can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support file transfer server, mft.tibco.com, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Central website. Please note you should use an FTP or SFTP client or command-line FTP. TIBCO employees must use a secure protocol.
Server name: mft.tibco.com Credentials: use your TSC (TIBCO Support Central website) login. Browser: https://mft.tibco.com FTP: port 21 SFTP: port 22
TIBCO API Exchange Gateway(R) =================================================================================
Hotfixes are cumulative. This is the first hotfix for TIBCO API Exchange Gateway. See the section "Closed Issues in 2.2.1_HF-001" to check the resolved issues in this hotfix.
================================================================================= Closed Issues in 2.2.1_HF-001 (This Release)
ASG-5116 Need to map JMS properties to HTTP Header and HTTP Headers to JMS Properties (in both directions)
ASG-6914 FacadeHTTPChannel not able to handle encoded characters in query-string
ASG-7631 The ConfigAPI does not save the communications type column in TargetOperations.cfg file
ASG-7639 Operation not found error is thrown when soapAction doesn't have slash(/) in the beginning
ASG-7668 Avoid validating the access token multiple times
ASG-7672 When payload is greater than 2KB and Header includes Transfer-Encoding chunked, Gateway throws a malformed error
ASG-7675 X-Request-ID/correlationID is not being generated in case the southbound transport is not HTTP (JMS/ESB).
ASG-7676 Override headers xslt does not work if configured on facade operations but works fine on target operations
ASG-7678 Unable to access out-of-box ASG M&M Console as it throws HTTP 404 error
ASG-7679 WSS policies not getting enforced when SOAPAction is empty
ASG-7694 Generate refresh token for 'Subject' flow
ASG-7695 Correct the indexes for OAuth token database table
ASG-7709 Encoding error in Kerberos OAuth authentication when Owner Adapter returns null for invalid user
ASG-7710 URI is being truncated while generating OAuth token with Kerberos policy
ASG-7772 When overriding the JMS Correlation ID a NullPointerException is being thrown.