Security Advisories for TIBCO Hawk and related products

Security Advisories for TIBCO Hawk and related products


Article ID: KB0108138


Updated On:

Products Versions
All Products -
Not Applicable -


Dear TIBCO Customer,

We would like to call your attention to security advisories for TIBCO Hawk®.
TIBCO Hawk is delivered as both a standalone offering and a component of:
•    TIBCO Runtime Agent™
•    TIBCO iProcess™ Engine
•    TIBCO Mainframe Service Tracker™
TIBCO Runtime Agent is bundled for download with additional TIBCO products that are listed in a FAQ that is available with copies of the advisories at
These advisories describe vulnerabilities that have been discovered in the Hawk® tibhawkhma executable and the Hawk AMI C client library.
These vulnerabilities impact TIBCO products that bundle the tibhawkhma executable or include the Hawk AMI C client library.
To fully secure current Hawk implementations, customers will need to upgrade to the latest version of Hawk and upgrade to the latest version of products with built-in dependencies on the affected Hawk components. Customers may need to re-link or restart any of their own applications that utilize the Hawk AMI C client. Please see the FAQ linked at for details on recommended upgrade steps.
Please be assured that we have taken proactive steps to address these issues, including the release of new versions of Hawk (4.8.1), Runtime Agent (5.6.0), iProcess Engine (10.6.3 and 11.0.1) and Mainframe Service Tracker (1.1.0). We have updated the soft links of dependent products such as TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ to provide access to the updated version of Runtime Agent.
TIBCO customers and OEM partners with current maintenance contracts can obtain the latest releases of these products from their standard TIBCO fulfillment channel. TIBCO recommends upgrading to the latest versions of these products as quickly as possible.
For more detailed information, including how to access updated maintenance downloads, installation instructions, frequently asked questions, and contact information through which additional questions can be answered, please visit

Thomas J. Laffey
Executive Vice President, TIBCO Products & Technology


Security Advisories for TIBCO Hawk and related products


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