Timeout in calling stored procedure using custom types as params in input/output

Timeout in calling stored procedure using custom types as params in input/output


Article ID: KB0080288


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.3.x


A sample DDL script for stored procedure with custom types as input/output params is shown below for clarity
create or replace
TYPE vv_customer_sync_rec1 AS OBJECT
(response_code                    NUMBER,
 response_message                 VARCHAR2(1000)

 create or replace
TYPE vv_customer_sync_tab1 AS TABLE OF vv_customer_sync_rec1;

create or replace
PROCEDURE process_customers1(p_customer_tab    IN OUT vv_customer_sync_tab1
                           ,l_account_token IN OUT vv_customer_sync_tab1,
                           ,l_account_number  OUT VARCHAR2
                           ,l_party_id        OUT NUMBER
                           ,l_cust_account_id OUT NUMBER
                           ,x_return_status   OUT VARCHAR2
                           ,x_msg_count       OUT NUMBER
                           ,x_msg_data        OUT VARCHAR2 ) as


END process_customers1;


If you use JDBC Call procedure activity to call this SP & do not pass any values to the fields within the custom type, the activity will timeout


Timeout in calling stored procedure using custom types as params in input/output


O/S: All Database: Oracle


Ensure that all the values are populated in the mapper for the fields within the custom types. The activity will timeout even if one of the fields is left empty.