A sample DDL script for stored procedure with custom types as input/output params is shown below for clarity
create or replace
TYPE vv_customer_sync_rec1 AS OBJECT
(response_code NUMBER,
response_message VARCHAR2(1000)
create or replace
TYPE vv_customer_sync_tab1 AS TABLE OF vv_customer_sync_rec1;
create or replace
PROCEDURE process_customers1(p_customer_tab IN OUT vv_customer_sync_tab1
,l_account_token IN OUT vv_customer_sync_tab1,
,l_account_number OUT VARCHAR2
,l_party_id OUT NUMBER
,l_cust_account_id OUT NUMBER
,x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
,x_msg_count OUT NUMBER
,x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 ) as
END process_customers1;
If you use JDBC Call procedure activity to call this SP & do not pass any values to the fields within the custom type, the activity will timeout