TIBCO RTView Standard Monitor TIBCO RTView for Business Works TIBCO RTView for EMS
This hotfix is simply an updated version of Tomcat 8 for customers who wish to use this application server to deploy RTView servlets.
This Tomcat 8 has the same modifications as the Tomcat 6 in our Standard Monitor product:
· conf\server.xml: HTTP port changed to 8068 · bin\setenv.bat, bin\setenv.sh: added to define jmxremote port monitoring, port 9999 · webapps\examples: removed
Unlike the Tomcat 6, this version 8 does not contain any RTView .war files (demo .war files, rtvdisplay.war, etc).
RTView hotfix to upgrade bundled Tomcat to 8.0.9
All Supported Platforms
Available On the Hotfix Download site in the folder: AvailableDownloads>RTView>Tomcat_8.0.9_hotfix