Starting GridServer (GS) 6.2 Hotfix 15, we have changed the Tomcat Connector to be NIO in server.xml file as compared to APR in the previous versions of the product.
This would mean that when a user downloads Hotfix 15 and applies it on their current GS setup, by default, the server.xml file under [gs-install]\manager\conf directory would be updated to use NIO.
For any existing installations, this change will not happen automatically until the server.xml file under [gs-install]\manager-data\conf directory is manually updated with the new changes. There are two options for this:
- Copy/paste the server.xml as is that ships with Hotfix 15 from [gs-install]\manager\conf to [gs-install]\manager-data\conf directory
- Manually make edits if there are customizations in place in the server.xml file under [gs-install]\manager-data\conf directory.
We ship an updated copy of tcnative.dll file with proper SSL support in Hotfix 15 so that if NIO is not enabled, APR Connector can be used by default.
If a user wants to use the Tomcat APR connector with GS 6.2 Hotfix 15, we will fully support it.
- [gs-install] above refers to the GridServer installation directory
- Please make sure to take a backup of server.xml file under [gs-install]\manager\conf directory for reference before applying Hotfix 15