Unable to access the document as another user is currently editing it.

Unable to access the document as another user is currently editing it.


Article ID: KB0070688


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus Applicable to all versions


Sometimes users might be unable to open a document because another user was in it. When they contacted the other person about this, it turned out this was not the case. The user too even got this message when he tried to open the document.


If users are unable to access the document and getting the mentioned error, this KB will help to solve the issue


Nimbus Test and Production


-- Login to the server where Tibco Nimbus is installed.
-- Go to the Installation directory and go to the Process Repository -> DocRegistry folder
-- Delete Locks.npdat and Locks.npidx

This will release the stuck lock and documents will be accessible.
If you face any issues while deleting these files or after deleting these files users still face the same issue please create a support case.


Unable to access the document as another user is currently editing it. get_app