“Unable to create archive” error when calling a Decisions Service using the iProcess Decisions Server Plug-in

“Unable to create archive” error when calling a Decisions Service using the iProcess Decisions Server Plug-in


Article ID: KB0081468


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Decisions Server Plug-in 10.3.0 + HF01


“Unable to create archive” error when calling a Decisions Service using the iProcess Decisions Server Plug-in

Nested Exception is: com.corticon.service.io.archive.CcArchiveException: ArchiveManager#getArchive(String): Unable to create archive /opt/staffw_nod1/eairulesmanager/precomp/TestSvc_v1_0.eds
Nested Message: java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry size (expected 935949 but got 936048 bytes)
Object state for: null: null


“Unable to create archive” error when calling a Decisions Service using the iProcess Decisions Server Plug-in Nested Exception is: com.corticon.service.io.archive.CcArchiveException: ArchiveManager#getArchive(String): Unable to create archive /opt/staffw_nod1/eairulesmanager/precomp/TestSvc_v1_0.eds Nested Message: java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry size (expected 935949 but got 936048 bytes) Object state for: null: null


TIBCO iProcess Engine (all supported versions and databases) TIBCO iProcess Decisions Server Plug-in 10.3.0 with hot fix 01 TIBCO iProcess Decision (64-bit)


A decisions service is supplied to on the iProcess Engine as a Decision Service (EDS) file.
Each Decisions Service must be precompiled (using the iProcess Decisions Studio and installed on the iProcess server.
The Decision Service file (.eds) is a self-contained, complete deployment asset that includes compiled versions of all its component rule assets.
The EDS file is a zip file format:

$ file TestSvc_v1_0.eds
TestRule_v1_0.eds: PKZIP (.zip) compressed archive

The ZipException error indicates that the EDS file cannot be read as a zip file for some reason.

This can include:
1 The EDS file was not transferred to the iProcess server in binary mode
2 The EDS file is corrupt
The resolution is to transfer a valid EDS file(s) to the iProcess Server.


Additional Information

TIBCO iProcess Decisions Server Plug-in Installation Guide