Unable to load identity certificate from file '<file name>': invalid data or password

Unable to load identity certificate from file '<file name>': invalid data or password


Article ID: KB0082961


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Adapter SDK 5.8 hotfix 6


When using a TIBCO Adapter based on Adapter C++ SDK version 5.8 hotfix 6 with below products:
TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.8
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 8.4

If Adapter JMS session is using SSL and specified the identity file, the adapter would report following error and stop:
Unable to load identity certificate from file '<identity file name>': invalid data or password


Unable to load identity certificate from file '': invalid data or password


TRA 5.8 EMS 8.4 All C++ SDK Adapters


The TRA 5.8 bundled ems client library is not fully compatible with EMS 8.4. to workaround this issue, let adapter explicitly loads the JMS library from EMS 8.4's bin directory.  

1. open adapter .tra file.

2. add following line at top of the .tra:
tibco.env.EMS_HOME <ems home dir>

3. add following at the beginning of tibco.env.PATH

Additional Information

Adapter SDK, 5.8 hotfix 6, SSL, identity file