Unable to login to openspace after changing the port of default httpConnector resource template, Workspace works fine.
Change the port in httpConnector resource template either at Admin -> Shared Objects-> httpConnector -> Port OR by changing the "httpConnectorPort" subvar at node level. Make sure the httpConnector RI is in Installed/In Sync. Try login to openspace using any username and the error (see attached Capture.JPG) is seen. Login to the workspace works fine.
Unable to login to openspace after changing the httpConnector port, workspace login works fine.
Openspace is injected with http adapter. So when the http connector port is modified, the injected connector needs to be refreshed. There are 2 resolutions :
1. Restart the BPM node(s). 2. Or just re-start(stop & start) the component "Openspace/implementation.openspace_*" from Admin console -> Applications -> amx.bpm.app -> In the bottom window click Status tab -> Component Status -> Select Openspace/implementation.openspace_* -> Click Stop -> Click Start.