Understanding the DiagnosticsPlugin thread counts in GridServer

Understanding the DiagnosticsPlugin thread counts in GridServer


Article ID: KB0084358


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TIBCO DataSynapse GridServer -


GridServer keeps track of various thread pools that it initializes. It also provides the ability to configure some of these thread pools. Thread pool counts can be seen in the logs of various components.

Manager Log:

INFO: [DiagnosticsPlugin] [M: 464M/2680M/7753M] [T: D(5) O(145)] [ (6.1.1_hotfix18)] [JRE: 1.7.0_80/Oracle Corporation] [OS: Linux/2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64/amd64] [H: aeblade19] [TZ: -4:00]

The thread count is indicated by:
[T: D(5) O(145)]

D(n) = Number of active threads from default thread pool
O(n) = Other threads = Total number of active threads - D(n)
For the manager, Total number of active threads is: threads active on port 8080 + threads active on port 8000 + tomcat internal threads + GridServer internal threads.
That is why, in DiagnosticsPlugin messages, the value of O(n) can be greater than maxThreads set for individual ports 8000 or 8080 in server.xml.

Driver Log:

INFO: [DiagnosticsPlugin] [M: 430M/928M/1297M] [T: R(0) D(1) S(1) O(27)] [] [JRE: 1.7.0_51/Oracle Corporation] [OS: Windows Server 2008 R2/6.1/x86] [H: USW00126123]

In the driver log the thread counts are indicated by:

[T: R(0) D(1) S(1) O(27)]

R(n) = Number of ResponseCallback threads
D(n) = Number of Default threadpool threads
S(n) = Number of ServiceSubmission threads
O(n) = Total number of active threads - D(n)

To read more about maxThreads in server.xml for GridServer, go to KB article 000022934.


This article is intended to provide better understanding of the thread counts seen in a DiagnosticsPlugin log message.