This is defect "
SB-49909 Incorrect function declaration causes Unknown data-source JDBC Query error" and the workaround is as follows. It was found in version
10.6.0 and is fixed in version 10.6.2 and later. All defect fixes are noted in each version's Release Notes. The following describes the workaround needed in 10.6.1 and prior versions.
The problem is in the
CustomFunctionGroup HOCON configuration and not in the
JDBCDataSourceGroup configuration or the JDBC Query operator where the error is shown. There will be no error shown in the
CustomFunctionGroup configuration, but in our experience the error is most frequently in the "className" property which points to the wrong class package or name.
For example, with a method implemented in class "" this configuration is incorrect but shows no error:
type = "com.tibco.ep.streambase.configuration.sbengine" configuration = { CustomFunctionGroup = { customFunctions = { GetAccessID = { type = "simple" methodName = "getAccessID" className = "" autoArguments = true } } } }
Instead the "Unknown data-source" error is shown on all JDBC Query operators elsewhere in the project.
To resolve this, inspect the
CustomFunctionGroup configuration for any incorrect properties and correct them. When correct the JDBC Query operators will not have the "Unknown data-source" error and will be typechecked normally.