Upgrading iPE reports Failed to connect to database and Node name doesn't match slave errors

Upgrading iPE reports Failed to connect to database and Node name doesn't match slave errors


Article ID: KB0081060


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) All supported versions


During the upgrade of iProcess Engine (Oracle) the messages below are displayed after completing the "Select components to configure" dialogue:

User-added image

User-added image

Using utilities to check the node information,

%SWDIR%\util\plist -n
%SWDIR%\util\swadm show_servers

results in "Error -1001: Database Connect Error: see sw_warn file for details" messages being returned.

The messages written to the sw_warn.log are:

2018/04/18 14:43:17.696116(<unknown>:0:4360:1::::unknown_swuser:idl.c:83006:6104): 1945-Database error: fil_init() OCIServerAttach Failed (Statement ID - 0) (ORA-12557: TNS: protocol adapter not loadable)

2018/04/18 18:00:09.759137(<unknown>:0:5616:1::::unknown_swuser:idl.c:83006:6104): 1945-Database error: fil_init() OCIServerAttach Failed (Statement ID - 0) (ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified)


Upgrading iPE reports Failed to connect to database and Node name doesn't match slave errors


TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) Windows platform


Ensure the ORACLE_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN directory has sufficient permissions for the iProcess users to be able to read the tnsnames.ora file.