During the upgrade of iProcess Engine (Oracle) the messages below are displayed after completing the "Select components to configure" dialogue:
Using utilities to check the node information,
%SWDIR%\util\plist -n
%SWDIR%\util\swadm show_servers
results in "Error -1001: Database Connect Error: see sw_warn file for details" messages being returned.
The messages written to the sw_warn.log are:
2018/04/18 14:43:17.696116(<unknown>:0:4360:1::::unknown_swuser:idl.c:83006:6104): 1945-Database error: fil_init() OCIServerAttach Failed (Statement ID - 0) (ORA-12557: TNS: protocol adapter not loadable)
2018/04/18 18:00:09.759137(<unknown>:0:5616:1::::unknown_swuser:idl.c:83006:6104): 1945-Database error: fil_init() OCIServerAttach Failed (Statement ID - 0) (ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified)