Using Oracle With TIBCO Scribe Online

Using Oracle With TIBCO Scribe Online


Article ID: KB0079034


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Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect ( Scribe ) -


TIBCO Scribe Online provides a Connector for Oracle that has some special requirements and current known issues. Review this document in conjunction with the Scribe Online Help topic for Oracle referenced in the bullet points below, before using the Connector.


  • Review the Online Help for the Oracle Connector and verify that you are using a supported version of Oracle.
  • In Windows Services stop the TIBCO Scribe Online Agent Service.
  • Install the Oracle client on the same server where the TIBCO Scribe Online Agent is located. If your environment requires that you have a different installation configuration, refer to the TIBCO Scribe Online Connector For Oracle Help for additional information.
  • Modify the tnsnames.ora file as needed or copy an existing one. TNSNAMES.ORA is a SQL*Net configuration file that defines databases addresses for establishing connections to them. This file usually resides in the Oracle client folder under \network\admin.
  • Create an Environment Variable named TNS_ADMIN that specifies the path to the tnsnames.ora folder. See Creating The TNS_ADMIN Environment Variable below for additional information.
  • In the TIBCO Scribe Online Connection dialog used to configure the Oracle Connection, set the Connection type to Oracle Database and not ODBC.
  • In TIBCO Scribe Online, navigate to the Agent’s page, select the Agent and click the Restart button to restart the TIBCO Scribe Online Agent Service.

Creating The TNS_ADMIN Environment Variable

The tns_admin variable specifies the location of the tns administration files, such as tnsnames.ora and listener.ora. In the image below the location is C:\Oracle\app\MSMITH\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin .



TIBCO Scribe Online Oracle Connection Dialog

Known Issue:  When there is more than one TIBCO Scribe Online Agent available, if you do not select the Agent where the Oracle client is installed, TIBCO Scribe Online may validate using the wrong Agent which hides the Network Alias, Username, Password, and Properties fields. (D8971)

Workaround: Open the Connection dialog. Do not select the Connector name yet. First, select the Agent hosted on the machine where the Oracle client is installed. Once the correct Agent is selected, choose Oracle Database in the Connector field and continue configuring the Connection. (66932)

Network Alias

In the Connection dialog specify either the Service_Name or the SID that is specified in the tnsnames.ora file. If Network Alias does not match an entry in the tnsnames.ora file, the following error is generated: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified


Connection Timeouts

Known Issue: Many Oracle databases have a large number of tables, views, stored procedures, etc. This large amount of data can cause a timeout error in TIBCO Scribe Online similar to the error below, when trying to retrieve the complete list.

Error: The command request timed out.

Workaround: Create a User or Synonym that only has access to the specific objects you need to reference in TIBCO Scribe Online. Configure the TIBCO Scribe Online Connection with that user.



TIBCO Scribe Online provides a Connector for Oracle Database that has some special requirements and current known issues. Review this document in conjunction with the TIBCO Scribe Online Help topic for Oracle before using the Connector.