For verifying functionality for different users on the machine in question:
Some configuration examples in Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config in the service configuration:
<!-- ********* Proxy settings ********** -->
<!-- See for more information. -->
<!-- If you have an authenticated proxy, credentials for theproxy server can be set -->
<!-- in section "applicationSettings/Spotfire.Dxp.Web.Properties.Settings" above -->
<!-- using "ProxyUsername" and "ProxyPassword" -->
- defaultProxy is empty, so Internet Options are used.
- Basic authentication is supported if the proxy defined require authentication, and this can be defined as described above. Other authentication options would require the Internet Options to be used correctly.
Adding the company wide proxy script
Might be needed if the sevice account, e.g. Local System, does not pick up the company standard profile on this machine. All bypassing etc is handled by the script.
<defaultProxy enabled="true">
<proxy scriptLocation="" />
Conclusion: All bypassing etc is handled by the script.
A proxy server configured with bypass for machines in the range 10.105.*.* and DNS names ending with *
<defaultProxy enabled="true">
<add address="[a-z]+\.contoso\.com$" />
<add address="10\.105\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}" />
<proxy bypassonlocal="true" proxyaddress="" />
Conclusion: Bypassing the proxy for addresses to no-proxy locations have to be defined, including to localhost (this is the bypassonlocal). The addresses in the bypasslist are defined as regex that should match the hosts for which the proxy should not be used. is the example domain Microsoft use in their documentationThe number of regex you can enter is unlimited, so you do not need to make the regex so complicated that only one line define everything you want.
This mean that the regex can be made rather crude since it only needs to separate the addresses that will be accessed by the Web Player process (so you do not need to think about all other possible addresses).