The ability to send email notifications in a secure authenticated mode was added in Platform Server for Unix HF-006. The following parameters must be added to the config.txt file COMMON section:
SMTPTLS: No { Yes, No, StartTLS }
SMTPTrustTLSCertificates: No { Yes, No }
SMTPUserCredentials: No { No, $$SMTPUSER }
Yes - use implicit TLS connection to SMTP Server;
No - use plain tcp connection to SMTP Server;
StartTls - connect to SMTP Server via plain tcp. Switch to TLS mode using the StartTls command after the TCP connection to SMTP server is established.
Yes - trust the SMTP TLS Certificate without verifying that the SMTP Server TLS certificate is in the "TrustedAuthorityFileName" file.
No - verify SMTP Server TLS certificate. SMTP Server TLS certificate must be added to the "TrustedAuthorityFileName" file.
No - do not authenticate mail requests to SMTP Server. ( typically for plain tcp connections. However plain tcp can require auth as well. TLS connections might not require auth )
$$SMTPUSER - use SMTP uid and pwd from cfprofile.cfg file.
Use this cfprofile command to define the SMTP credentials by adding a user profile for user $$SMTPUSER and node $$SMTP.
Sample Command:
cfprofile n:'$$SMTP' lu:'$$SMTPUSER' u:smtpuser p:smtppassword
The following TLS config.txt parameters are utilized as well:
Defines the trusted authority file used to validate certificates when SMTPTrustTLSCertificates is set to "No".
Defined the ciphers used when establishing TLS connections.