Video Streaming Admin Commands For Node Inspection

Video Streaming Admin Commands For Node Inspection


Article ID: KB0073770


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Streaming 10


What are the available commands for inspecting the current running state of a TIBCO® Streaming node?



The TIBCO Streaming platform provides system administrators a wealth of runtime information through the 'epadmin' command-line utility. This presentation surveys the key command options for understanding the running configuration of a cluster, node, and application. These reports include detail for adapter, memory, CPU, and other metrics and statistics.

Key Commands
epadmin display version --detailedStreaming platform version
epadmin display servicesall discoverable services
epadmin --servicename=A.X display applicationthe engine names and when they were started
epadmin --servicename=A.X display nodethe node state and directory path
epadmin --servicename=A.X display cluster --type localnumber of nodes, proxy addresses, keystore file paths
epadmin --servicename=A.X display historyshared memory use, CPU use, and transaction activity
epadmin --servicename=A.X display metrictypes of performance metrics available
epadmin --servicename=A.X read metric --name=builtin.engine.{engineName}.heap.memory.utilization.percentagewhat portion of available Heap memory is used
epadmin --servicename=A.X read metric --name=builtin.engine.{engineName}.heap.memory.utilization.byteshow much Heap memory is used
epadmin --servicename=A.X display statistics --statistic=memoryusageHeap memory use
epadmin --servicename=A.X display connectionall active StreamBase Client connections to the engine
epadmin --servicename=A.X display containerEventFlow container logical paths and running state
epadmin --servicename=A.X display adapterlogical path to adapters and their running state