Products | Versions |
Spotfire Statistica | 12.0A,11.0A,10,12SP3 |
It is recommended that customers who have Statistica 12.0 and prior versions with Webstatistica use Java 1.6 ( the last compatible version of java with WebStatistica) or upgrade their Statistica installation to Statistica 12.5 or later versions.
With Statistica 12.5 and later versions of WebStatistica, there is reduced dependency on Java applets .For example,the tree control uses a Javascript component and also removed the requirement for a java applet to login to WebStatistica.
Java 1.6 (JRE 1.6) will still be required to access some rarely used features like the Spreadsheet editor, running DataMiner workspaces through the web, and the seldom used WebStatistica Page Editor (IE only) and the drill down UI that is available from the analysis page.