What can be monitored via JMX remotely using JCONSOLE?

What can be monitored via JMX remotely using JCONSOLE?


Article ID: KB0076661


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ComputeDB 1.1.0


How do you use JCONSOLE to monitor JMX stats remotely?


Using JCONSOLE, you may remotely monitor JMX stats from ComputeDB. You may follow this document that explains how to connect to them.


3 Types of Artifacts to defined by ComputeDB

  1. Server Level Stats:   Available through JMX by connecting directly to Server
  2. Stats Exposed VIA Spark Metrics API, Available through JMX by having a JMX Sink attached to the metrics subsystem
  3. Cluster Level Stats (Most relevant to a DB) is NOT available to connect to JMX.

You are only able to connect to the first 2. 

  1. Server Level Stats: Connect Directly to Server
  2. 2. Stats exposed via spark Metrics API:  Attach JMX Sink to the metrics subsystem