What data types are supported in the R engine by way of TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS)?

What data types are supported in the R engine by way of TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS)?


Article ID: KB0080835


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistics Services All supported versions


Getting the following error:
'... input data has different number of columns than the number of input column types' when using a Date column.

when running an R script that contains a Date column.



What data types are supported in the R engine by way of TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS)? Unable to make the R script work with a Date column.


Product: TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services Version: All supported versions OS: All supported operating systems --------------------


The following table shows the supported data types and how they are converted when you export from R into SBDF:

R  or S data types           SBDF data type
----------------------              -------------------------
Logical                             Boolean
Integer                             Integer (32 bit)
Numeric                           Double
Character                         String
Factor                               String
POSIXct or POSIXlt         DateTime
timeDate                          DateTime

Replace any as.Date() functions with as.POSIXct() (or as.POSIXlt()) to convert the dates into a format that the TSSS R engine can handle.