When editing a Data Entry Setup(DES) under Enterprise, the user can add/delete labels from the DES.
Here below screenshot shows a DES example with one characteristics "weight" and two labels "Piece1" and "Piece2". The user can then approve and version the DES.
After logging onto the Web Data Entry , a user can create samples and choose to use the latest approved version of the DES.
Note: Data Entry Setup Revision is shown as 10 at above, which corresponds the most recent approved reversion number of the DES in the document versioning history.
When creating a Data configuration based off the DES, exploring the data configuration will display those entered samples.
If a user removes the sample "Piece2" from the DES inputs, sample data associated with the removed label will not show up on the data configuration output
Note : this the data configuration based off the corresponding version of that Data Entry Setup.